@ARTICLE{33704756_129262561_2014, author = {Julia Chuhno}, keywords = {, coaching, coach, coaching market, coach trainingcoaching in organizations}, title = {Coaching market in Russia: ICF-Russia research 2012}, journal = {Organizational Psychology}, year = {2014}, volume = {4}, number = {1}, pages = {25-32}, url = {https://orgpsyjournal.hse.ru/en/2014-4-1/129262561.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {Presentation of the results of Russian coaching market research, conducted by ICF-Russiain 2012. Methodology: the study was designed as on-line questionnaire for the following target audience: practicing coaches, participants of training programs for coaches, individual coaching clients and representatives of organizations purchasing coaching. Processing and comparison of the results was conducted through www.monkeysurvey.com. The research results describe the coaching services market in Russia in 2012 on the following parameters: use of the term "coach", the level of trainingof coaches, needs coaches have in professional development, specifi cs of coaching practice, coaches’ specialization, experience clients and customers have using coaching, expectations and needs of actualand potential clients. Russian coaching market has the features typical for the early stage of formation: the vast majority of coaches have a small amount of practice and are interested in their practice expansion, customers and clients have issues selecting and using professional coaches, that is caused by insufficient understanding of coaching industry. The study is the most comprehensive among surveys conducted in Russia on the topic of the market of coaching from the point of view of respondents, and it provides significant multilateral description of Russian coaching market.}, annote = {Presentation of the results of Russian coaching market research, conducted by ICF-Russiain 2012. Methodology: the study was designed as on-line questionnaire for the following target audience: practicing coaches, participants of training programs for coaches, individual coaching clients and representatives of organizations purchasing coaching. Processing and comparison of the results was conducted through www.monkeysurvey.com. The research results describe the coaching services market in Russia in 2012 on the following parameters: use of the term "coach", the level of trainingof coaches, needs coaches have in professional development, specifi cs of coaching practice, coaches’ specialization, experience clients and customers have using coaching, expectations and needs of actualand potential clients. Russian coaching market has the features typical for the early stage of formation: the vast majority of coaches have a small amount of practice and are interested in their practice expansion, customers and clients have issues selecting and using professional coaches, that is caused by insufficient understanding of coaching industry. The study is the most comprehensive among surveys conducted in Russia on the topic of the market of coaching from the point of view of respondents, and it provides significant multilateral description of Russian coaching market.} }