@ARTICLE{33704756_134599989_2014, author = {Takhir Bazarov and Yuri Shevchenko}, keywords = {, organizational leader, virtualization, multiple identity, attention, imaginationwill}, title = {Organizational leader in post-crisis period [In Russian]}, journal = {Organizational Psychology}, year = {2014}, volume = {4}, number = {3}, pages = {69-86}, url = {https://orgpsyjournal.hse.ru/en/2014-4-3/134599989.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {The article deals with the psychological challenges faced by the leaders of today’s organizations. Social context is analyzed through the prism of the changes associated with the development of information technology. With the development of humanistic values human become more freedomin its manifestations. He can choose the behavior, focusing on the environmental situation. But where are uncertain decision-making criteria, there is a problem of choice. It is notes that the features of contemporary social situation are: virtualization, multiple identity and total immersion in the external social and communicative environment. The lack of universal wholes in the modern world leads to a lack of self-identity in humans. Everyday reality contributes to the ease of changing roles and associated identities. Uncertainty avoidance has become an important quality that allows to overcome the "dissociation", "fragmentation" of the social world. As a direction, allowing the leader to effectively adapt to the changes proposed to the development of such personality traits as constructive imagination, over-voluntary attention and controlled will. In a crisis, it is important to update the existing leaderand build a new, more reliable bridge between the past and the future. It is necessary to generate more meaningful, more strategic, more focused, more flexible, more rational and relevant life plans - programs to achieve and avoid. Peculiarities of manifestation of the "leadership vision" in the postcrisis period are presented: self-regulation, the integration of reason and intuition, readiness to choice for equiprobable conditions.}, annote = {The article deals with the psychological challenges faced by the leaders of today’s organizations. Social context is analyzed through the prism of the changes associated with the development of information technology. With the development of humanistic values human become more freedomin its manifestations. He can choose the behavior, focusing on the environmental situation. But where are uncertain decision-making criteria, there is a problem of choice. It is notes that the features of contemporary social situation are: virtualization, multiple identity and total immersion in the external social and communicative environment. The lack of universal wholes in the modern world leads to a lack of self-identity in humans. Everyday reality contributes to the ease of changing roles and associated identities. Uncertainty avoidance has become an important quality that allows to overcome the "dissociation", "fragmentation" of the social world. As a direction, allowing the leader to effectively adapt to the changes proposed to the development of such personality traits as constructive imagination, over-voluntary attention and controlled will. In a crisis, it is important to update the existing leaderand build a new, more reliable bridge between the past and the future. It is necessary to generate more meaningful, more strategic, more focused, more flexible, more rational and relevant life plans - programs to achieve and avoid. Peculiarities of manifestation of the "leadership vision" in the postcrisis period are presented: self-regulation, the integration of reason and intuition, readiness to choice for equiprobable conditions.} }