@ARTICLE{33704756_140465085_2014, author = {Takhir Bazarov and Ekaterina Vashurina}, keywords = {, conference, the business, management, psychology of communication and trustentrepreneurship}, title = {Organizational psychology context of communication and trust}, journal = {Organizational Psychology}, year = {2014}, volume = {4}, number = {4}, pages = {154-158}, url = {https://orgpsyjournal.hse.ru/en/2014-4-4/140465085.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {International Conference "Psychology of communication and trust: Theory andPractice" was held in November 2014 in Moscow, where the section "Problems of communication and trust in entrepreneurship, business and management" was organized.}, annote = {International Conference "Psychology of communication and trust: Theory andPractice" was held in November 2014 in Moscow, where the section "Problems of communication and trust in entrepreneurship, business and management" was organized.} }