@ARTICLE{33704756_152057297_2015, author = {Nikolay Baturin and Evgenii Vuchetich and Svetlana Kostromina and Boris Kukarkin and Evgeniy Kupriyanov and Evgeny Lurie and Olga Mitina and Anna Naumenko and Ekaterina Orel and Yulia Poletaeva and Alexey Popov and Alexey Potapkin and Svetlana Simonenko and Yulia Sinitsina and Aleksandr Shmelyov}, keywords = {, Russian standard for personnel testing, testing, online testing, test method, psychological testing, evaluation of staff, psychometric tests, reliability, validity, professional selectionTests of professional knowledge}, title = {Russian Standard for Personnel Testing (Interim version, designed for a discussion)}, journal = {Organizational Psychology}, year = {2015}, volume = {5}, number = {2}, pages = {67-138}, url = {https://orgpsyjournal.hse.ru/en/2015-5-2/152057297.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {In recent decades Russian companies have seen a widespread use of psychometric testing as part of personnel assessment procedures; however, until now there have been no single, universally accepted document containing the list of requirements and criteria for assessing the quality of testing. Russian standard for personnel testing was established in 2014-2015, on the initiative of the National Confederation of "Human Capital Development" and supported by the expert community. This standardis intended to clarify and popularize the Russian speaking space of one of the basic principles of shared responsibility: the test is responsible for the quality of the developer, and for the quality of the test - the user of techniques. This standard is developed in the period of information and computer revolution, which has led to the proliferation of new types of testing - especially remote online testing has become particularly relevant for large, geographically distributed companies. The standard is designed to solve this problem at the level common to all of the professional community of methodical, technological and ethical requirements for the testing procedures and regulations for the use of their results. In the development of the Russian standard takes into account the recommendations of national and international guidelines for the development and application of test methods. This first edition of the Russian standard for personnel testing - a generally applicable practice-oriented methodological guidance. It lays the foundation for further development of more detailed and highly specialized standards, and is the basis for "professional standards for personnel evaluator" along with the standards of other valuation methods and procedures.}, annote = {In recent decades Russian companies have seen a widespread use of psychometric testing as part of personnel assessment procedures; however, until now there have been no single, universally accepted document containing the list of requirements and criteria for assessing the quality of testing. Russian standard for personnel testing was established in 2014-2015, on the initiative of the National Confederation of "Human Capital Development" and supported by the expert community. This standardis intended to clarify and popularize the Russian speaking space of one of the basic principles of shared responsibility: the test is responsible for the quality of the developer, and for the quality of the test - the user of techniques. This standard is developed in the period of information and computer revolution, which has led to the proliferation of new types of testing - especially remote online testing has become particularly relevant for large, geographically distributed companies. The standard is designed to solve this problem at the level common to all of the professional community of methodical, technological and ethical requirements for the testing procedures and regulations for the use of their results. In the development of the Russian standard takes into account the recommendations of national and international guidelines for the development and application of test methods. This first edition of the Russian standard for personnel testing - a generally applicable practice-oriented methodological guidance. It lays the foundation for further development of more detailed and highly specialized standards, and is the basis for "professional standards for personnel evaluator" along with the standards of other valuation methods and procedures.} }