@ARTICLE{33704756_192873729_2016, author = {Natalia Syrbu}, keywords = {, review, organization of future, holacracyright management}, title = {Color of the organization or dead-end way?}, journal = {Organizational Psychology}, year = {2016}, volume = {6}, number = {3}, pages = {114-118}, url = {https://orgpsyjournal.hse.ru/en/2016-6-3/192873729.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {A Review of the book by Frederik Lalu «Otkryvaya organizatsii budushchego» [Reinventing Organizations: A Guide to Creating Organizations Inspired by the Next Stage of Human Consciousness] / per. s angl. V. Kulyabina. M.: Mann, Ivanov, Ferber, 2016. Is there really a secret key to build future organizations in this rich colored inspiring book? Do we need to follow the directly instructions and calls for action of the author of the book? Such questions were taken as a base by the reading and studying the substances side of the book. From the point view as modernity of proposing solutions, holism of organization and managerial skills, shows the book a definitely not a strong side.The magic that every reader going through and the calling to actions must be taken under critical attitude. When the fundamental laws of development violated, this is an error, a dead-end way.}, annote = {A Review of the book by Frederik Lalu «Otkryvaya organizatsii budushchego» [Reinventing Organizations: A Guide to Creating Organizations Inspired by the Next Stage of Human Consciousness] / per. s angl. V. Kulyabina. M.: Mann, Ivanov, Ferber, 2016. Is there really a secret key to build future organizations in this rich colored inspiring book? Do we need to follow the directly instructions and calls for action of the author of the book? Such questions were taken as a base by the reading and studying the substances side of the book. From the point view as modernity of proposing solutions, holism of organization and managerial skills, shows the book a definitely not a strong side.The magic that every reader going through and the calling to actions must be taken under critical attitude. When the fundamental laws of development violated, this is an error, a dead-end way.} }