@ARTICLE{33704756_941950372_2024, author = {}, keywords = {editorial}, title = {Editorial}, journal = {Organizational Psychology}, year = {2024}, volume = {14}, number = {2}, pages = {7-8}, url = {https://orgpsyjournal.hse.ru/en/2024-14-2/941950372.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {We present our journal’s new edition Issue No. 2, 2024.In the "Research in Organizational Psychology" section you will find five articles from different countries and with a variety of topics: proactive behavior of employees in the context of work events (Russia); organizational citizenship behavior of civil servants (Türkiye); psychological contract between employees and employers in manufacturing and service enterprises (India); social loafing of civil servants in Nigeria; detached behavior of female workers of reproductive age in a garment factory in Bangladesh.In this issue the "Organizational Psychological in Practice" section is presented with an article by Russian practitioners. It presents the results of applied research that allows us to recommend a technique for automating answers to open questions during periodic staff surveys in order to assessthe level of their involvement. The developed tool can be used for a benchmark comparative analysis of engagement in companies from various fields of activity.In the section "First Steps" there are four articles by novice authors who shared the results of their research in various areas of organizational psychology. Russian authors presented an integral model of the phenomenon of the presence of a specialist and a client in the process of individual psychological counseling of employees of an organization. A team of authors from Albania attempted to understand the relationships between emotional intelligence, mobbing and resilience in metropolitan police units. A multi-university research team shared findings from a study examining the relationships between psychosocial stressors and turnover intentions among female workers from different sectors of the garment industry in Bangladesh. To check the validity of R. Organ’s five-component model of organizational citizenship behavior on a sample of university teachers — this was the goal of the Indian authors.An important problem of the need for a special study of conscience and common sense asconditions for effective work in various professions is raised by a large team of Russian scientists and practitioners in their article, published under the heading "Organizational psychology in dialoguesand discussions." Having carefully studied the problem posed, the authors come to the conclusion that the risks of inappropriate behavior should be reflected both in job descriptions ("professiograms") and in the requirements for an employee ("psychograms"). Thus, they should also be reflected in the so-called "models of specialists".Please, enjoy the reading!}, annote = {We present our journal’s new edition Issue No. 2, 2024.In the "Research in Organizational Psychology" section you will find five articles from different countries and with a variety of topics: proactive behavior of employees in the context of work events (Russia); organizational citizenship behavior of civil servants (Türkiye); psychological contract between employees and employers in manufacturing and service enterprises (India); social loafing of civil servants in Nigeria; detached behavior of female workers of reproductive age in a garment factory in Bangladesh.In this issue the "Organizational Psychological in Practice" section is presented with an article by Russian practitioners. It presents the results of applied research that allows us to recommend a technique for automating answers to open questions during periodic staff surveys in order to assessthe level of their involvement. The developed tool can be used for a benchmark comparative analysis of engagement in companies from various fields of activity.In the section "First Steps" there are four articles by novice authors who shared the results of their research in various areas of organizational psychology. Russian authors presented an integral model of the phenomenon of the presence of a specialist and a client in the process of individual psychological counseling of employees of an organization. A team of authors from Albania attempted to understand the relationships between emotional intelligence, mobbing and resilience in metropolitan police units. A multi-university research team shared findings from a study examining the relationships between psychosocial stressors and turnover intentions among female workers from different sectors of the garment industry in Bangladesh. To check the validity of R. Organ’s five-component model of organizational citizenship behavior on a sample of university teachers — this was the goal of the Indian authors.An important problem of the need for a special study of conscience and common sense asconditions for effective work in various professions is raised by a large team of Russian scientists and practitioners in their article, published under the heading "Organizational psychology in dialoguesand discussions." Having carefully studied the problem posed, the authors come to the conclusion that the risks of inappropriate behavior should be reflected both in job descriptions ("professiograms") and in the requirements for an employee ("psychograms"). Thus, they should also be reflected in the so-called "models of specialists".Please, enjoy the reading!} }