Organizational Psychology, 2024 (3) en-us Copyright 2024 Mon, 14 Oct 2024 03:16:28 +0300 Editorial High-performance work system and hospital performance: Mediating role of emotional intelligence in healthcare workers during COVID-19 Purpose. This study aims to evaluate the impact of high-performance work systems on organizational performance in healthcare settings, focusing on the mediating role of emotional intelligence among healthcare workers. Methodology. Utilizing the ability, motivation, and opportunity model, this research examines the relationship between high-performance work systems and emotional intelligence among healthcare professionals. The HPWS-scale and Schutte’s self-assessment questionnaire measure the relevant constructs. Regression path analysis is used to assess the mediating effect of emotional intelligence on the relationship between high-performance work systems and organizational performance. Findings. The findings indicate a significant positive relationship between high-performance work systems and emotional intelligence among healthcare workers. Moreover, high-performance work systems demonstrate a substantial impact on organizational performance, with emotional intelligence playing a mediating role in enhancing this relationship. Practical implications. The results underscore the importance of implementing effective high-performance work systems strategies to enhance organizational performance in healthcare organizations. Furthermore, they highlight the significance of nurturing emotional intelligence among healthcare professionals to optimize the impact of high-performance work systems on organizational outcomes. Value of the results. This study contributes to the existing literature by providing empirical evidence of the interplay between high-performance work systems, emotional intelligence, and organizational performance in the healthcare sector. It offers insights for healthcare managers and policy makers to develop tailored strategies for improving workplace practices and enhancing overall performance. The moderator role of self-control in the effect of future time perspective on procrastination behavior Purpose. This study investigates the moderator role of self-control level in the effect of future time perspective on procrastination behavior. Study design. This research encompassed 194 professional accountants in the central district of Tokat (Türkiye). The sample consists of 156 men and 38 women. In addition, the average age of the research sample is 36; 70% are between 36 and 55. The study used three scales that different researchers developed: “Future time perspective” by Ph. G. Zimbardo and J. N. Boyd; “The general procrastination tendency scale” by D. Ç. Çakıcı, and “The Turkish version of the brief selfcontrol scale" developed by J. P. Tangney with colleagues. This study utilized from AMOS, SPSS Process Macro statistical programs to gather the data. Findings. According to the findings obtained in the research data, it has been determined that the future time perspective has a negative and significant effect on the procrastination behavior. It has been also observed that the self-control level of the employees has a moderator role in this negative relationship. It has been assessed that the moderator effect that emerged in employees with low self-control levels was higher than those of employees with medium and high levels of self-control. Value of results. This study has offered various suggestions for field practitioners and researchers to enhance scientific communication. Do police officers experience discrimination at work? Analysis of perceived workplace discrimination, personal factors and psychological wellbeing Scholars have established a link between workplace discrimination and psychological wellbeing among different cohorts apart from the police officers. However, the role of resilience in the link, as wellas how this condition differs across gender, among police officers within the context of Nigeria has not received sufficient research attention. Purpose. Thus, this study investigated the conditional in directeffect of gender on the relationship between perceived workplace discrimination and psychological wellbeing through resilience of police officers in Nigeria. Methodology. A sample of 316 (mean age = 38.1;σ = 13.6; women = 47.2%) police officers that were selected through the stratified sampling technique, completed the Ryff Psychological Wellbeing Scale, Perceived Workplace Discrimination Scale and Resilience Scale. Data were subjected to both the structural equation modelling and hayes process macroanalyses. Findings. Results from the hayes process macro statistical analyses revealed that resilience and perceived workplace discrimination independently predicted police officers’ psychological wellbeing. Also, resilience was found to have an indirect effect on the workplace discrimination — psychologicalwellbeing link. Furthermore, perceived workplace discrimination had more effect on the psychologicalwellbeing of resilient female police officers than their male counter parts. The study concluded that the indirect effect of resilience on psychological wellbeing of police officers through perceived workplace discrimination was higher for female officers. Employees’ mental fatigue: the role of perception of job insecurity Purpose. The purpose of the study is to examine whether there is a significant relationship between the perception of job insecurity and mental fatigue in employees, and to determine the level and in which perceived job insecurity affects mental fatigue if there is a significant relationship. Study design. Data was obtained from employees in the assembly workshop of a company operating in the private sector by face-to-face survey method. In the study, the purpose among non-probable sampling methods has been used, and data has been received from 104 employees within the same organization.The data required to test the hypotheses suggested within the scope of the research were evaluated using SPSS 20.0 and AMOS 24.0 software. Confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, normality test, correlation analysis and regression analysis were applied for the data obtained from the scales used in the study. Findings. As a result of the analysis, a positive and moderately significant relationship was found between job insecurity and mental fatigue. A positive and low-level significant relationship was determined between quantitative job insecurity and qualitative job insecurity with mental fatigue. In addition, according to the formula obtained as a result of regression analysis, a 1.0-unit increase in quantitative job insecurity was found to result in a 1.009-unit increase in mental fatigue and a 1.0-unit increase in qualitative job insecurity resulted in a 0.791-unit increase in mental fatigue. Justification and development of the training program “Overcoming codependency in the work of a primary school teacher” (in Russian) Purpose. Compilation of professional profiles of an economist and a primary school teacher. Identification by means of a geno-sociogram of personal deformation — “codependency” in primary school teachers. Development of a draft training program for overcoming codependency for representatives of “helping professions”. Design. 40 women aged 20 to 40 years — representatives of social (primary school teachers) and economic (economists) groups of professions — voluntarily participated in the pilot study. At the first stage of the study, the geno-sociograms of primary school teachers were analyzed by means of a structured interview. At the second stage — a comparative psycho-diagnostic of the indicators of the personal and professional spheres of the subjects was carried out using standard methods: E. Berne’s “Transactional analysis of communication”; J. Holland’s typological questionnaire; S. Dellinger’s projective psycho-geometric express test; Mary M. Merck’s codependency test; “Emotional response scales”; T. Ehlers’ motivation questionnaire for success. Theresults were processed statistically with the calculation of the Student’s t-test. Results. For most primaryschool teachers, the life scenario includes a “family circle of alcoholism”, including the recurrence ofchemical and emotional addictions and cardiovascular diseases, which contributed to the formationof personal deformation (codependency). The professional profile of a primary school teacher differsfrom the professional profile of an economist by preferring the “Adult” Ego position, choosing a social type and a psycho-hemeotric figure “Circle”, high levels of empathic tendencies and codependency, and low motivation for success. Practical significance. Professional profiles of representatives of two professional groups can be used in career guidance and psychological support of professional development of specialists. Project manager personality: comparative review of current research Purpose. The paper aims to identify personality types and traits of project managers incomparison with functional managers. Based on a review of current research, the most frequently mentioned as dominant MBTI personality types are identified. Differences in personality types and personality characteristics are studied using comparative qualitative analysis. The personality diversityin the two groups is assessed with C. Shannon — N. Wiener entropy index and P. Bobrowski — B. Balldiversity index. The significance of the differences is assessed using the M. Kendall and C. Spearm ancorrelation coefficients. Findings. The findings indicate that the trait of intuition is visibly more common among project managers. Project managers are more likely to have a combination of extroversion and intuition. As specific (typical for one group and not typical for another group) characteristics of project managers, there are judgment and thinking, as specific combinations — introversion and intuition, feeling and intuition. For managers, sensing has been identified as a necessary characteristic. It occursin 95% of references in the articles studied. No similar necessary traits are found for project managers. Project managers tend to have a greater variety of personality types than managers. Differences between personality characteristics in the two groups are found to be significant. Value of results. To sum up, project managers have a personal profile visibly different from one of managers, which can be explained by the more diverse content and context of their activities, the need to work in conditions of higher uncertainty, social complexity and innovation. Project managers, by their personality type, seem to combine the characteristics of managers and entrepreneurs. Implication in practice. Considering the important role of the project manager’s personality for project success and project management efficiency, knowledge that project managers are significantly different from typical managers will allowa more informed approach to training and selection of personnel in project management domain. The structure and factors of organizational commitment formation: a theoretical model Purpose. The study is devoted to the creation of a theoretical model of organizational commitment, taking into account the analysis of formation factors, components and related phenomena. Approach. The basis is the systematic approach of J. Meyer, N. Allen, the ideas of E. A. Alekseeva in line with the sociological approach to the analysis of commitment, the model proposed by M. Rodríguez-Fernández with colleagues. The model of organizational commitment is complemented by an analysis of the objects of its focus — the organization as a whole, the team and the leader, and activities. Findings. Based on a literature review, the authors propose a definition of organizational commitment and divide the factors of its formation into groups: the first is related to the individual characteristicsof the employee and his position in the organization; the second — with the characteristics of organizational culture and the features of interpersonal relationships built on its basis; the third isfocused on working conditions in the organization and their assessment through the prism of perceived organizational support and the psychological contract with the organization. Conclusions. A theoretical model of organizational commitment is proposed, which includes closely related phenomena: job satisfaction, loyalty, involvement and identification with the organization through their connection with the components of commitment. It was revealed that the most frequently mentioned factors inthe formation of organizational commitment are relationships with the manager, characteristics of the organizational culture, working conditions and their subjective assessment by the employee. Prospects. The results obtained indicate the need to continue work on the problem of organizational commitment in order to explore the phenomena described by foreign researchers, taking into account the business culture that has developed in our country, and also to clarify what exactly the factors (for example, gender, age, salary, etc.), the influence of which has been shown to be contradictory in various empirical studies, or no single point of view has been formed regarding its significance. Psychological characteristics of the head of municipal service associated with his business reputation Purpose. The article describes an empirical study of the business reputation of managers in the municipal service. Based on the results of the theoretical review, we understand business reputation as the assessment by the professional community of the psychological (expert, managerial, personal) qualities of the manager, based on his actions and deeds, and formed through the prism of the values and norms accepted in this professional community. Method. The sample included 238 heads of the municipal service of Tyumen aged 35 to 60 years and with service experience from oneyear to 30 years. Among them, 147 were women and 91 were men. All of them were heads of various departments (from department heads to department directors). To collect primary diagnostic data, the Azimut 2.0 method of BSSL Ltd. and “Business Profile. Universal psychodiagnostic complex” of “Humanitarian Technologies” company were used. The business reputation index was measured based on assessments of more than 1,000 employees of the Tyumen City Administration. Findins. The study revealed three psychological characteristics interconnected with the level of reputation of managers within the organization. One of such indicators was the nature of labor motivation, namely: internal motivation is more typical for managers with a high reputation index. A high value of thesecond indicator — the “Total Score” of intellectual abilities — is also characteristic of managers witha high level of business reputation. The third differentiating indicator was the level of abstractness (concreteness) of managers’ thinking. Managers with a high level of reputation are characterized by a higher level of abstractness, they are able to identify the meanings of problems, see promising opportunities and a long-term development strategy. Practical significance. As a result of the analysisof the data obtained, a number of recommendations were formulated that can be used by managers toincrease the level of reputation within the organization. Relationship between organizational justice and altruismin the education sector in India Purpose. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between organizational justice and altruism, which is one of the dimensions of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), among faculty members in Indian higher educational institutions. Methodology. A questionnaire was administered with a sample size of 460 faculty members. The data obtained from the surveywere analyzed using the statistical package for the social sciences version (SPSS.20). To examine the relationships between the dimensions of organizational justice and altruism, we employed Pearson’s Correlation. Furthermore, regression analysis was used to assess the level of correlation between organizational justice and altruism. The collinearity test was used to determine the collinearity effect between the sub-types of organizational justice. Findings. The study findings indicate a significant correlation between the four dimensions of organizational justice and altruizm. The relationship was found to be highly significant. This means that the data supported all four hypotheses, indicating that faculty members in higher educational institutions who perceive fairness are more likely to demonstratea greater level of altruistic behavior. Research implications. The study provides a significant contributionto the improvement of employees’ altruistic behavior through organizational justice practices. It also enhances the overall quality and productivity of higher educational institutions. Value of results. By fostering a culture of inclusivity and fairness, this study will help to create a more just and harmonious society. Overall, this paper represents a significant contribution to the advancement of knowledge and the betterment of society. Diversity management and organisational citizen shipbehaviour: A sequential mediation effect of inclusive climate and affective commitment Purpose. According to research on diversity, an employee’s organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB) is directly impacted by their experiences of the firm’s diversity-related policies or measures. The underlying mechanisms that underlie this link, however, are largely unknown. This study’s objectives are focused on investigating the relationship between diversity management and OCB as well as givingan in-depth knowledge of the sequential mediating impact of an inclusive climate and employees’affective commitment between this link. Approach. A quantitative research approach was used, and the sample consisted of 347 employees in India. SmartPLS4 was used to carry out the investigation. Findings. The findings showed a direct relationship between diversity management and OCB, which is achieved through the two suggested mechanisms, both of which are involved directly and indirectly. The results also highlighted how critical it is to develop effective diversity management initiatives since they enhance employee commitment and the working environment. Implications for practice. The investigation grows increasingly significant from a management perspective in a worldwide contextwhere businesses are interacting with increasingly varied labour forces. Firms can capitalise on the advantages while projecting a better view of diversity management. Value of the results. This study offers novel and important findings since it combined the four key variables into one framework while also focusing on a sequential mediation analysis of inclusive climate and affective commitment. The phenomenon of “profession”: Possible dimensions. Part 1 (in Russian) Professions are one of the mass forms of labor (or rather, human labor activity) — they change historically. They are not historically the last and final, complete, harmonious form. Their descriptions in Russian psychology, transmitting the characteristics of labor given by K. Marx, do not allow usto single out their qualitative certainty as a fragment of social reality. Purpose. The purpose of the study: to study the features of a profession as one of the forms of human labor activity, as a historicallyevolving phenomenon. Methodology. Hypotheses: 1. Forms and types of human labor activity changehistorically, which “crystallize” in a few stable forms. 2. There are many different manifestations of formsand types of human labor activity, which are always culturally conditioned. 3. Complex, multifacetedsocial phenomena (labor, profession, career, etc.) can be adequately presented by means of coordinatedsystems of their description. Object of the study: the phenomena of “labor” and “profession”. Subject ofthe study: forms of human labor activity. Methods: subject-categorical analysis, historical-evolutionaryanalysis, empirical research. The article analyzes the features of the established practice of describinglabor and professions in domestic psychology, which generally represent an extensive approach.Findings. It is proposed to distinguish three hierarchical components of the phenomenon — profession,specialty, workplace — as ideal empirical objects and real empirical objects. Their componentcomposition and the possibility of describing the three hierarchical components in the methodologyof the systems-genetic approach are presented. In conclusion, it is stated: the descriptions of labor andprofession proposed by E. A. Klimov serve as the basis for subsequent descriptions that expand andclarify them. It is necessary to search for and find a series of mutually complementary descriptions thatdesignate the main facets, aspects of the phenomenon being studied, revealing its essential propertiesand relationships with other phenomena. Value of the results. The allocation of three levels and threeunits of analysis — profession, specialty, workplace — is constructive in terms of their more accurateand differentiated analysis and description. This also allows integrating different methodologicalresources, attracting different scientific concepts for explanation. Social psychology of organizations: Challenges of the time (in Russian) On June 20-21, 2024, the International Scientific Conference “Andreeva’s Readings. SocialPsychology in Modern Society” was held at Lomonosov Moscow State University. It was dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the founder of the Department of Social Psychology of the Faculty of Psychology of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education Galina Mikhailovna Andreeva. The conference program consisted of seven sections, including the section “Social Psychology of Organizations: Challenges of the Time”.