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Kushwaha G.1
  • 1 G.B. Pant University of Technology & Agriculture, U S Nagar, India

Emotional Intelligence and work performance of executives (на англ. языке)

2012. Т. 2. № 4. С. 23–27 [содержание номера]
The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship among Emotional Intelligence (EI), and work performance of executives. Samples of 160 male executives within the age range of 35 to 55yrs. from BHEL (Haridwar) were selected on random basis. Emotional intelligence scale constructed by Hyde, Pethe and Dhar was used and work performance of the executives was measured by the Performance rating scale constructed by Singh and Pestonjee. Correlation was used for testing the results. The findings of the study revealed that Emotional intelligence has a positively related with the work performance among executives.

Библиографическое описание: Kushwaha G.S. Emotional Intelligence and work performance of executives // Organizational Psychology, 2012. 4, pp. 23-27.
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