
Organizational Psychology

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Blake Ashforth, Fred Mael (Translation ed. by: Andrey Lovakov 1)
  • 1 National Research University Higher School of Economics, 20 Myasnitskaya Str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation

Social identity theory and the organization

2012. Vol. 2. No. 1. P. 4–27 [issue contents]
It is argued that (a) social identification is a perception of oneness with a group of persons; (b) social identification stems from the categorization of individuals, the distinctiveness and prestige of the group, the salience of outgroups, and the factors that traditionally are associated with group formation; and (c) social identification leads to activities that are congruent with the identity, support for institutions that embody the identity, stereotypical perceptions of self and others, and outcomes that traditionally are associated with group formation, and it reinforces the antecedents of identification. This perspective is applied to organizational socialization, role conflict, and intergroup relations.
Citation: Ashforth Blake E., Mael Fred (2012) Teoriya sotsial'noy identichnosti v kontekste organizatsii [Social identity theory and the organization] Organizational Psychology – Russia (e-journal), 1, pp. 4-27 (in Russian)
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