
Organizational Psychology

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Takhir Bazarov1, Alla Konyaeva
  • 1 Moscow State Lomonosov University, , 11, Build. 9, Mokhovaya Str., 125009, Moscow, Russia.

Organizational psychology: from service for managers to partnership with enterpreneurs. The experience of empirical research and analysis of own practice

2012. Vol. 2. No. 1. P. 42–57 [issue contents]
A 2 surveys were organized in November-December 2011. Practicing organizational psychologists – 108 specialists (54 from Russia and 54 from Ukraine) were polled as well as top-managers and owners of companies (totally 343 respondents: 93 from Russia and 250 from Ukraine). The surveys results allow to define the problem field, zone of actual and future necessities of organizations and to designate the topics of long-range organizationally-psychological researches and projects, corresponding to the queries of clients.
Citation: Bazarov Takhir U., Konyaeva Alla Petrovna (2012) Organizatsionnaya psikhologiya: perekhod ot obsluzhivaniya menedzherov k partnerstvu s predprinimatelyami. Opyt empiricheskogo issledovaniya i analiz sobstvennoy praktiki [Organizational psychology: from service for managers to partnership with enterpreneurs. The experience of empirical research and analysis of own practice] Organizational Psychology – Russia (e-journal), 1, pp. 42-57 (in Russian)
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