
Organizational Psychology

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Polina Shevtcova

Interrelation between intellectual abilities and the motives of occupational choice

2012. Vol. 2. No. 1. P. 71–86 [issue contents]
The present study aims to identify the relationship between intellectual abilities and the motives of occupational choice. Results of the study suggest what motives of occupational choice related to the level of certain intellectual abilities. So, for example, the negative connection between the level of mathematical abilities and the “career”, “confidence” and “authority” motives were found. The level of the “formallogic” ability is negatively related to the “joining”, “confidence” and “public benefit” motives. Most of the identified interrelations are negative. In particular, it was shown that respondents with the lower levels of intellectual abilities assessed the importance of majority motives much higher than respondents with the higher levels of various abilities in our sample. A new method intended to identify different motives of occupational choice was developed during this work. According to its results the factor structure of occupational choice motives has been obtained.
Citation: Shevtcova Polina V. (2012) Vzaimosvyaz' intellektual'nykh sposobnostey i motivov vybora professional'noy deyatel'nosti [Interrelation between intellectual abilities and the motives of occupational choice] Organizational Psychology – Russia (e-journal), 1, pp. 71-86 (in Russian)
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