
Organizational Psychology

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Alexander Bulgakov1
  • 1 Russian State University for the Humanities, 6, Miusskaya Square, Moscow, 125993, GSP-3, Russia

Psychological mechanisms of intergroup adaptation in the organization as the resource of management of its changes: social and cognitive analysis

2013. Vol. 3. No. 1. P. 46–77 [issue contents]
On the example of studying of intergroup adaptation of employees with the various status of six Russian enterprises (140 people) high-quality and quantitative correlation of administrative situations according to D. Snouden and deposits of psychological mechanisms of intergroup adaptation to their permission is carried out. Application of elements of psychological mechanisms: freedom degree, orientation, dynamics, allowed to fill with the new contents the Cynefin platform, to prove algorithms of upavlenchesky actions of heads, to plan possible trajectories of work of organizational psychologists. Results can become a basis of development of technologies of human resource management of the organizations in difficult situations.

Citation: Bulgakov Alexander Vladimirovich (2013) Psikhologicheskie mekhanizmy mezhgruppovoy adaptatsii v organizatsii kak resurs upravleniya ee izmeneniyami: sotsial'no-kognitivnyy analiz [Psychological mechanisms of intergroup adaptation in the organization as the resource of management of its changes: social and cognitive analysis] Organizational Psychology – Russia (e-journal), 1, pp. 46-77 (in Russian)
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