
Organizational Psychology

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Elena Ovchinnikova1, Emiliya Safiullina2
  • 1 National Research University Higher School of Economics, 20 Myasnitskaya Str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation
  • 2 Higher School of Economics, 20 Myasnitskaya str., Moscow, 101000, Russia

The role of person-organization fit in the formation of company’s human capital (In Russian)

2013. Vol. 3. No. 4. P. 2–17 [issue contents]

In this study was analyzed the content of «Person—Organization Fit» definition, and the role of Person—Organization Fit in the formation of Company’s Human Capital was examined. During the investigated we used the method of content-analysis, which included 38 study-papers as a sample. The study-papers were published in last 30 years and were selected according to their citation index. As a result of our study it was revealed the most relevant definition of Person—Organization Fit phenomena for the usage among this science field developing in Russia. We suggest that the POF is one of the key-instruments to formation of Company’s Human Capital. Moreover it was found out that the logic of structure of the POF as phenomena is following: Person—Job Fit → Person—Supervisor Fit → Person—Group Fit → Person—Organization Fit → Person–Environment Fit. This can be explained as a principle of «psychological entering the company by an employee». Significantly the least attention is paid to the Person—Supervisor Fit type, and the complementary fit mentioned by the scientists in this area less, than the supplementary fit. An additional point is that we attempt to offer the model of the functioning of POF, which covers the description of its role in human resource management practices, and in the formation of human capital of the organization in whole.


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Citation: Mandrikova, E., Safiullina, E. (2013). Rol' sootvetstviya lichnosti organizatsii (person—organization fit) v formirovanii chelovecheskogo kapitala organizatsii [The Role of Person-Organization Fit in the formation of Company’s Human Capital]. Organizational Psychology, 4, 2-17. (in Russian)
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