
Organizational Psychology

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Tatiana Novoselova1
  • 1 British Higher School of Art and Design, 10 Nizhnyaya Syromyatnicheskaya St., building 3, 105120 Moscow, Russia

The Norms Of Ethics As A Tool For Coaching Work (Based On Cases From Coaching Practice)

2014. Vol. 4. No. 1. P. 90–95 [issue contents]
The author examines the ethical guidelines for professional coaching - Code of Ethics ICF (International Coach Federation) and Professional Ethics of the Russian standard “Couch”. This article proposes an approach of how ethical standards can be used as guidelines and “hints” in the analysis of specific situations for coaching practice. According to the author, a successfu lprofessional activity based on three grounds: 1) practice (be able to see patterns and to preventthe system complexity), 2) the analysis and interpretation of your coach practice (supervision as a tool), 3) professional guidance: Code of Ethics, professional coahing competencies.The author takes three typical situations (objectives and results of coaching, feedback and interim meetings, recommendations) to analyze and understand what potential contradictions and complexity they contain these situations can hide and what kind of decisions can be taken relying on ethical standards.

Citation: Novoselova, T. (2014). Eticheskie normy kak instrument raboty koucha (na materiale sluchaev iz praktiki) [The Norms Of Ethics As A Tool For Coaching Work (Based On Cases From Coaching Practice)]. Organizacionnaâ psihologiâ (Organizational Psychology), Vol. 4, No 1, pp. 90-95 (in Russian)
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