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Organizational Psychology |
Editorial officeAddress: 20, Myasnitskaya, 101000 Moscow, Russia
Alexander Bulgakov1The third way in the study of the psychological characteristics of the HR-Director professional activities in modern Russian organization [In Russian]
Vol. 4.
No. 3.
P. 6–35
[issue contents]
In article expediency of use of the social and constructivist approach (SCA) in organizational psychology is proved. Actual problems of professional activity of the HR director are designated. The basic theoretical and methodological provisions SCA (L.S. Vygotsky, K. Gergen), and also the author’s concept of ambivalent approaches to studying of the social and psychological phenomena are presented. Complementary technique included a triangulation and a discourse-analysis of three empirical researches directed on studying of psychological features of activity of HR directors (heads of HR departments) 57 economic and military organizations executed by the author or under his supervising. A block functional model of professional activity which is turning on analytical, administrative, communicative and managerial blocks is used. Dynamics and substantial filling of functional blocks depending on a stage of development of the organization is revealed. Range of activityof personnel director includes the socio-psychological content of all functions and, depending on a stage of development of the organization, can extend and be narrowed from function of “personnel officer” before function of “adviser”. The knowledge of revealed dynamics of a role allows to optimize personnel policy of the organization. The offered methodology of research partially can replace metaanalysis of the researches conducted earlier before accumulation of the minimum mass of the empirical material necessary for it.
Bulgakov A. (2014) Tretiy put' v issledovanii psikhologicheskikh osobennosty professional'noy deyatel'nosti direktora po personalu sovremennoy rossiyskoy organizatsii [The third way in the study of the psychological characteristics of the HR-Director professional activities in modern Russian organization]. Organizacionnaâ psihologiâ (Organizational Psychology), Vol.4, No 3, pp. 6-35 (in Russian)