
Organizational Psychology

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2016. Vol. 6. No. 3. P. 6–7 [issue contents]
We are glad to introduce our readers to new issue of Organizational Psychology Journal.
In the «Research in organizational psychology» section you can get acquainted with article by Irina Vasilyeva «On object determination of organizational culture». The article dwells upon the attemptto apply an activity approach to the phenomena of the collective mind that constitute organizational culture. Author presents the results of the macroergonomic study of power plant and review of the differences in team organizational climates at boiler-and-turbine and electric workshops of powerplant. There is also an article “Psychometric analysis of the Russian version of the Dutch labor dependingscale (DUWAS)” by Andrey Lovakov. The Russian version of DUWAS was first published in this article and can be recommended for use in scientific research.
Special theme of this issue is: «Person-centered approach in the organizations». Four articlesin the “Practice in Organizational Psychology” section are devoted to this theme. The article “Person-centered approach in organizations: Utopia or strategic potential?” by Veniamin Kolpachnikov and AllaTishova describes examples and illustrations of application of Person-Centered Approach in business relations and the organizations. A conclusion is drawn that Person-Centered Approach is not an utopia or idealistic dream, but strategic potential and direction of development of organizations aiming atbeing competitive and effective in modern conditions. The real illustration of this statement is presented in the article of Brazilian psychologists Anita Bacellar, Joana Rocha, and Maira de Souza Flôr «Group-centered organizational management: experience report» (translated from the Portuguese). This paperis an experience report that presents the effects of the postulates from the Person-Centered Approach in an Organization of clinical psychology, called Espaço Viver Psychology, located in Florianópolis (Brazil). Mikhail Ivanov («Client-centered approach to working with values under management consulting») presents his author’s approach to dealing with individual, group and organizational values into practice of client-centered management consulting. The article «Person-centered approach and human resource management practice in Russian companies» by Wladimir Stroh discusses the possibilities and conditions for the disclosure of the theoretical and pragmatic potential of person-centered approach by C. Rogersfrom organizational psychological perspective. The special section ends by our traditional editorial note «20 articles on the person-centered approach in the organization».
In the «Conferences» section Tatiana Lobanova shares her impressions of the annual international conference of the International Council of Management Consulting Institutes, ICMCI, which took place in Netherlands in September 2015. The report describes the main trends in innovation consulting, presented at the conference.
In the «Literary Guide» section Natalia Syrbu presents another review of the book by F. Lalu«Reinventing Organizations: A Guide to Creating Organizations Inspired by the Next Stage of Human Consciousness».
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