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Organizational Psychology |
Editorial officeAddress: 20, Myasnitskaya, 101000 Moscow, Russia
Ekaterina Strizhova1, Alexander Evdokimenko1,2The use of wearable technologies in the practice of performance management in financial sector
Vol. 9.
No. 1.
P. 34–56
[issue contents]
Purpose: is to try and to show the opportunities and prospects of wearable technologies in the performance management and HR practice. Approach: the study combines HRV monitoring data, KPI data and psychological diagnostics data. Among the indicators of HRV, the stress index is one of the most informative for characterizing the stress states of the central nervous system. The stress index was monitored in real time using a wearable device during the working day. Changes in performance indicators were also monitored during the working day at 30-minute intervals. Personal anxiety of employees (Charles D. Spielberger test in the adaptation of Y. L. Khanin) and involvement (“Test ofResilience” in the modification of E. N. Osin, E. I. Rasskazova) were also assessed. Findings. Evaluations of the relationship between HRV indicators and objective indicators of the working process and psychological diagnostics data are presented. Implications for practice. The original methodology of organizational and psychological research with the use of wearable technologies is presented, as wellas the practical possibilities of using such technologies in organizational practice. The results were interpreted for four subgroups of employees depending on the level of KPI (low or high) and the level of personal anxiety (low or high). For each subgroup recommendations for performance manager aregiven. A subgroup of employees with high KPI and high personal anxiety unites employees who are able to act as agents of task performance control. Employees with high KPI and low personal anxiety are a stable work resource within the business process. Employees with low KPI and high personal anxiety are united by the need for a mentor (coach). Employees with low KPI and low personal anxiety are ready to leave the organization.
Strizhova E., Evdokimenko A. (2019) Opyt primeneniya nosimykh tekhnologiy v praktike upravleniya proizvoditel'nost'yu truda sotrudnikov massovykh spetsial'nostey finansovogo sektora [The use of wearable technologies in the practice of performance management in financial sector]. Organizacionnaâ psihologiâ (Organizational Psychology), vol. 9, no 1, pp. 34-56 (in Russian)