Organizational Psychology |
Editorial officeAddress: 20, Myasnitskaya, 101000 Moscow, Russia
Elena Yaroshenko1Using the eye tracking technology for detection the social and psychological features of emotional burnout
Vol. 9.
No. 1.
P. 96–115
[issue contents]
The purpose of article is study of the socio-psychological characteristics of the emotional burnout over the attitude characteristics to the objects and subjects of work. Practical significance: the identified parameters of the oculomotor reactions will serve as a marker of the presence of this syndrome and will allow to further develop a hardware method for detecting burnout based on eye tracking technology. The theoretical significance is connected with the possibility of applying the obtained data to the development of an innovative non-base method for diagnosing emotional burnout. Goal: to identify the relationship between the features of emotional burnout and characteristics social cognition of workers, presented in terms of oculomotor reactions. Study design. Sample: 44 persons— 20 employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation in the Saratov regionand 24 respondents without work experience. The age range: 20-38 years. Methodology. Research methods: laboratory experiment based on eye tracking technology; Tests: Methods of diagnosing the level of emotional burnout by V. V. Boyko. Methods of statistical analysis: Rank correlation coefficient Ch. Spearman, Mann — Whitney U-test. The hypothesis of the study: the parameters of the oculomotor reactions have a reliable connection with the emotional burnout of the personality andare their markers. Findings: significant for establishing the burnout parameters are such parameters of oculomotor reactions as the total and maximum duration of fixations, the frequency of saccades, the average and total duration of blinks. Originality. The peculiarity of the article is the use of a socialcognitive approach to understanding the essence of emotional burnout and the attitudes of personality.
Yaroshenko E. (2019) Primenenie tekhnologii aytrekinga dlya vyyavleniya sotsial'no-psikhologicheskikh osobennostey emotsional'nogo vygoraniya lichnosti [Using the eye tracking technology for detection the social and psychological features of emotional burnout]. Organizacionnaâ psihologiâ (Organizational Psychology), vol. 9, no 1, pp. 96-115 (in Russian)