
Organizational Psychology

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Larisa Karapetyan1
  • 1 Ural Federal University, 48, Kuibyshev Srt., Ekaterinburg 620026, Russia

Emotional and personal well-being as a predictor of the social perception characteristics among socionomic and technonomic specialists

2020. Vol. 10. No. 4. P. 41–62 [issue contents]
The challenges of the modern world are primarily addressed to the professional community, since the main burden of overcoming the crisis caused by the pandemic will fall on the working-age segment of the population. In this regard, the search for opportunities to optimize the resource system of representatives of the professional segment, including improving internal well-being and restoring social perception systems, becomes particularly relevant. Purpose. To study how an emotional and personal well-being effects on the social perception among specialists in “human - human” (socionomic profile, SP) and “human — technic” (techonomic profile, TP) occupational areas, within and outside their zone of interaction (micro-level), and outside this zone (macro level). Study design. The sample consisted of 715 people: 339 representatives of SP and 376 specialists of TP. Research methods:1) the technique “Self-assessment of Emotional and Personal Well-Being”, in which respondents ratedt hemselves on nine scales; 2) the technique “Emotional and Personal Well-Being”, which involves the assessment of the same nine scales of emotional and personal well-being of parents (father and mother); 3) a method for identifying attitudes to people, where respondents were asked to evaluate 24 personal traits at the micro and macro levels. Findings. It was found that emotional and personal well-being is more inherent in SP specialists, and in this professional group it is a predictor of social perception at both the micro and macro levels. The attitude of the TP-specialists on the micro level is determined by not only their self-esteem, emotional and personal well-being, but also assessment of emotionaland personal well-being of parents, especially mothers. On the macro level, in this professional group,the influence of assessment of emotional and personal well-being of parents appears, especially the father. Both professional groups are characterized by the phenomena of ingroup bias and ingroup stereotyping. Conclusions. The obtained data allow us to consider emotional and personal well-beingas a predictor of some aspects of social perception among the socionomic and technonomic specialists. The value of the results. The obtained data can be used to improve the psychological climate in working groups and optimize the internal well-being of specialists.

Citation: Karapetyan L. (2020) Emotsional'no-lichnostnoe blagopoluchie kak prediktor osobennostey sotsial'noy pertseptsii spetsialistov sotsionomicheskogo i tekhnonomicheskogo profilya [Emotional and personal well-being as a predictor of the social perception characteristics among socionomic and technonomic specialists]. Organizacionnaâ psihologiâ (Organizational Psychology), vol. 10, no 4, pp. 41-52 (in Russian)
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