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Organizational Psychology |
Editorial officeAddress: 20, Myasnitskaya, 101000 Moscow, Russia
Mark Alikin1, Angelina Kangur1, Natalya Lukyanchenko1Value-motivational attitude of medical workers to professional activities: general and typological (in Russian)
Vol. 13.
No. 3.
P. 227–253
[issue contents]
Purpose. The article analyzes the contradictions of the modern world of professions and the medical profession. Based on this, the goal is determined: the study of the value-motivational attitude of medical workers to professional activities. Method. Sample included employees of medical institutions in Krasnoyarsk (N = 70). Measurements: “Unfinished sentences”, “Color test of relationships”, “Meaningful orientationtest”, “Career anchors”, “Diagnosis of the motivational structure of personality”, “Integral satisfaction with work”. Data processing: descriptive statistics, cluster analysis (using the future neighbor methodin Euclidean space), determination of significant differences (Mann — Whitney U-test). Findings. General trends in the value-motivational attitude of respondents to professional activities are the initialdesire to help, to be useful to people, combined with the need to receive evidence of the significance of their professional contribution, saturation in professional activities meaningful life orientations, prioritization of career orientations to service, professional competence and integration of lifestyles.The values of freedom, health, communication, self-realization, doctors and creativity have a highe motional significance. With a high degree of positive emotional significance in relation to oneself, the significance of other subjects of professional interaction is less expressed in descending order: colleagues, patients — manager — relatives of patients. The treatment itself has a more positive emotional significance than the reception situation and working conditions. The emotional attitudeto wages is distributed in equal proportions in favorable and unfavorable areas of significance. The desired levels of satisfaction of the motives of creative activity, comfort, among nursing staff and life support, exceed the real ones. High satisfaction with relationships with colleagues and with their own professional achievements, with moderate interest in work, claims in professional activity, its attractiveness in comparison with the attractiveness of high earnings. With the help of cluster analysis, three groups of respondents with characteristic features of the value-motivational attitude to professional activity were identified. The group with the most productive attitude to professional activity is characterized by its high meaningfulness, a pronounced positive attitude towards oneself, success, future, interest in work, a low level of desired comfort in the work sphere, satisfaction with the need for social status and achievements in work. The group with the least productive attitude to professional activity is characterized by its low meaningfulness, low desired levels of satisfaction of various needs in the work sphere, except for the expressed need for comfort, and low job satisfaction.
Alikin M., Kangur A., Lukyanchenko N. (2023) Tsennostno-motivatsionnoe otnoshenie meditsinskikh rabotnikov k professional'noy deyatel'nosti: obshchee i tipologicheskoe* [Value-motivational attitude of medical workers to professional activities: general and typological]. Organizational Psychology, vol. 13, no 3, pp. 227-253 (in Russian)