
Organizational Psychology

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Mikhail Yanitskiy1, Andrey Seryy1, Olga Braun1, Roman Balabashchuk 1, Yulia Neyaskina2
  • 1 Kemerovo State University, Russia, 650000, Kemerovo, Krasnaya st. 6
  • 2 Vitus Bering Kamchatka State University, Pogranichnaya st. 4, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, 683032, Russia Federation/

Professional determinants of the image of the world of ships and aircraft crews

2023. Vol. 13. No. 4. P. 36–56 [issue contents]
Purpose. The purpose of the study is to identify the nature of the influence of the features of professional activity on the spatial-temporal and value-semantic components of the image of the world of thecrews of ships and aircraft. Methodology. As professional determinants of the image of the world, the experience of the relevant professional activity, its type, as well as the usual duration of the flights performed were analyzed. The type of professional activity of the crews of sea vessels was established by the fact of belonging to the command staff or the ship’s crew, as well as the watch or watchless type of service, for the crews of aircraft — by belonging to the flight or cabin crew. The study involved 90 sailors of Russian cargo and fishing vessels, as well as 80 crew members of Russian passenger aircraft. Results. The specific lifestyle associated with the expansion of the spatial and temporal boundaries of professional activity, especially manifested in long-distance voyages and long-distance air travel, causes the enrichment of the image of the world with new meanings and values. A pronounced and prolonged change in the parameters of the life environment, and, accordingly, the lifestyle of the crews of ships and aircraft, causes the formation of a new, professional chronotope for them. The described professional activity is characterized by a constantly recurring movement from one chronotope to another and back, having a cyclical character. The most productive for the formation of the image of the world is the average duration of the flights performed, which allows balancing the positive and negative psychological effects of the described types of professional activity. Conclusions. The specifics of the professional activity of the crews of ships and aircraft determine the features of the spatial-temporal and value-semantic components of their image of the world. The type and length of professional activity in this case turn out to be less significant determinants compared to the predominant duration of voyages or air travel. Such duration, being a specific characteristic of the described professions, determines the degree of gap between the “home” and “flight” lifestyles alter nating with a certain rhythm. The value ofthe results lies in the possibility of their use in the practice of psychological support of the professional activities of the crews of ships and aircraft.

Citation: Yanitskiy M., Seryy A., Braun O., Balabashchuk R., Neyaskina Y. (2023) Professional'nye determinanty obraza mira ekipazhey morskikh i vozdushnykh sudov [Professional determinants of the image of the world of ships and aircraft crews]. Organizational Psychology, vol. 13, no 4, pp. 36-56 (in Russian)
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