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Organizational Psychology |
Editorial officeAddress: 20, Myasnitskaya, 101000 Moscow, Russia
Julia Alexandrova 1, Elizaveta Mironova2, Elena Kamneva2, Nikolai Pryazhnikov2,3, Elena Pryazhnikova2Prospects for development and risks of deformation of professional identity in the context of «digitalization» of the labor process
Vol. 13.
No. 4.
P. 213–235
[issue contents]
Purpose. The article clarifies the specifics of professional identity, in relation to the activities of teachers at Russian universities in the context of the active introduction of «digital» technologies into the educational process. Professional identity is understood in the broad context of the professional development of the individual and his relationship with other participants in the educational process (with university administrations, with developers of «digital» programs and employees of technical support groups, with «auxiliary technical personnel» of their departments and faculties). Findings. The main risks of deformation and distortion of professional identity are seen in the fact that with too complex and hasty introduction of «digital» technologies into the educational process, some teachers master them with great difficulty, and then their self-esteem, self-respect, despair and even thoughts about their professional failure may decrease. At the same time, the most undesirable consequence of this may be the general substitution of the priority of the high goals ofeducational activity with «digital» means of carrying out this activity. As a result, there may be situationswhere successful and recognized teachers who work according to the old reporting formats, but who have difficulties in mastering and using new «digital» tools, may turn out to be «intellectual outcasts» in their departments and faculties. These teachers themselves will lose their sense of professional pride, self-esteem and self-identification. Implementation for practice. The article discusses promising options for the prevention of such conditions and recommendations for various participants in the educational process to mitigate the problems associated with the introduction of «digital» formats in the educational activities of universities.
Alexandrova J., Mironova E., Kamneva E., Pryazhnikov N., Pryazhnikova E. (2023) Perspektivy razvitiya i riski deformatsii professional'noy identichnosti v usloviyakh «tsifrovizatsii» trudovogo protsessa [Prospects for development and risks of deformation of professional identity in the context of «digitalization» of the labor process]. Organizational Psychology, vol. 13, no 4, pp. 213-235 (in Russian)