
Organizational Psychology

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Sergei Titov 1, Natalya Titova2
  • 1 National Research University Higher School of Economics, 20 Myasnitskaya Str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation
  • 2 State University of Management, Ryasansky avenue, 99, Moscow, 109542, Russian Federarion

Project manager personality: comparative review of current research

2024. Vol. 14. No. 3. P. 99–116 [issue contents]
Purpose. The paper aims to identify personality types and traits of project managers incomparison with functional managers. Based on a review of current research, the most frequently mentioned as dominant MBTI personality types are identified. Differences in personality types and personality characteristics are studied using comparative qualitative analysis. The personality diversityin the two groups is assessed with C. Shannon — N. Wiener entropy index and P. Bobrowski — B. Balldiversity index. The significance of the differences is assessed using the M. Kendall and C. Spearm ancorrelation coefficients. Findings. The findings indicate that the trait of intuition is visibly more common among project managers. Project managers are more likely to have a combination of extroversion and intuition. As specific (typical for one group and not typical for another group) characteristics of project managers, there are judgment and thinking, as specific combinations — introversion and intuition, feeling and intuition. For managers, sensing has been identified as a necessary characteristic. It occursin 95% of references in the articles studied. No similar necessary traits are found for project managers. Project managers tend to have a greater variety of personality types than managers. Differences between personality characteristics in the two groups are found to be significant. Value of results. To sum up, project managers have a personal profile visibly different from one of managers, which can be explained by the more diverse content and context of their activities, the need to work in conditions of higher uncertainty, social complexity and innovation. Project managers, by their personality type, seem to combine the characteristics of managers and entrepreneurs. Implication in practice. Considering the important role of the project manager’s personality for project success and project management efficiency, knowledge that project managers are significantly different from typical managers will allowa more informed approach to training and selection of personnel in project management domain.

Citation: Titov S., Titova N. (2024) Tip lichnosti rukovoditelya proekta: sravnitel'nyy analiz rezul'tatov issledovaniy [Project manager personality: comparative review of current research]. Organizational Psychology, vol. 14, no 3, pp. 99-116 (in Russian)
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