
Organizational Psychology

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Andrey Lovakov1
  • 1 National Research University Higher School of Economics, 20 Myasnitskaya Str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation

Workaholism: definition, measures, predictors and consequences

2012. Vol. 2. No. 4. P. 28–42 [issue contents]
The concept of «workaholism» is quite popular and is often used in everyday language, causing there are many misconceptions and stereotypes about workaholics. The purpose of this article is classification and synthesis of theoretical concepts and empirical data on the workaholism that has accumulated to date. The article discusses the concept of «workaholism», perspectives on workaholism, measures, and especially workaholics motivation and consequences. The results showed that workaholism has positive implications for the employee or the organization as well as negative, but in the long-term effects of the negative consequences are more significant.

Citation: Lovakov, A. (2012). Trudogolizm: ponyatie, metodiki izmereniya, prediktory i posledstviya [Workaholism: definition, measures, predictors and consequences] Organizational Psychology – Russia (e-journal), 4, pp. 28-42 (in Russian)
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