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by authors
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Articles with keyword «work engagement»
Sergey Lipatov
Employee engagement vs Work engagement: relations between the concepts
[2015] Vol. 5 No. 1. P. 104–110
Tatiana Chuykova
Daria Sotnikova
Attitude to work under the conditions of insecure employment
[2016] Vol. 6 No. 1. P. 6–19
Evgeny Osin
Tatiana Ivanova
Ekaterina Orel
Elena Rasskazova
Personality resources and work motivation: A beneficial synergy
[2018] Vol. 8 No. 2. P. 27–46
Le Loan
Nguyen Thu
Ninh Dung
Exploring organizational justice in Vietnam universities: a study of effects on lecturers’ work engagement
[2020] Vol. 10 No. 2. P. 23–34
Takhir Bazarov
Alexey Karpov
The factors of labour motivation of a modern employee (the example of pharmaceutical company)
[2020] Vol. 10 No. 1. P. 106–120
Qi-Liang Lee
Chee-Seng Tan
Sanggari a/p Krishnan
The mediating role of job satisfaction and work engagement in the relationship between self-reported person-job fit and job performance
[2022] Vol. 12 No. 2. P. 183–197
Pavel Smirnov
Employee engagement: types, levels of realization and links with human resource management practices
[2019] Vol. 9 No. 1. P. 81–95
Andrey Onuchin
About the work engagement not only scientific-based, but also easy to understanding
[2015] Vol. 5 No. 1. P. 126–129
Anastasia Mospan
Evgeny Osin
Tatiana Ivanova
Elena Rasskazova
Vladislav Bobrov
Work–life balance in Russian production enterprise employees
[2016] Vol. 6 No. 2. P. 8–29
Veronica Kabalina
Anna Makarova
Employee engagement: systematization of approaches to the definition and measurement
[2022] Vol. 12 No. 3. P. 110–137
Andrey Lovakov
Workaholism: definition, measures, predictors and consequences
[2012] Vol. 2 No. 4. P. 28–42
Elena Ovchinnikova
Anna Gorbunova
Relationship between work engagement, personal resources, and employees’ job satisfaction
[2012] Vol. 2 No. 4. P. 2–22
Denis Mochalin
How to interpret employee engagement scores in companies (in Russian)
[2022] Vol. 12 No. 4. P. 144–159
20 most cited and 20 most recent articles on work engagement
[2012] Vol. 2 No. 4. P. 71–74
Anna Smirnova
The dynamics of job attitudes of the employee in a threatening of job loss situation
[2019] Vol. 9 No. 2. P. 8–31
Anastasia Mospan
Relationship between work-life balance, demographic and labor characteristics of personality and subjective well-being [In Russian]
[2014] Vol. 4 No. 3. P. 95–107
Irina Kokurina
In search of intangible sources of profit in the organization
[2015] Vol. 5 No. 1. P. 120–125
Nikolai Pryazhnikov
The value of work and work engagement
[2015] Vol. 5 No. 1. P. 111–119
, 1993–2025