Organizational Psychology |
Editorial officeAddress: 20, Myasnitskaya, 101000 Moscow, Russia
Pavel Smirnov1Employee engagement: types, levels of realization and links with human resource management practices
Vol. 9.
No. 1.
P. 81–95
[issue contents]
The article deals with the theoretical approaches to the employee engagement typology in scientific literature, as well as the problem of taking into account individual and organizational levels of employee engagement in managerial decision-making. The purpose of the article is to identify the distinctive features of the two types of employee engagement proposed in scientific literature — work engagement and organization engagement, as well as the links reflecting the possible role of human resource management practices in the process of employee engagement management. The research methodology is theoretical modeling of employee engagement phenomenon from the human resource management perspective. The article consists of three logically connected sections. In the introduction, justification of the research topicality is provided. The main part provides a review of literature, which authors attempt to typologize the employee engagement, identifying such types as work engagement and organization engagement. In addition, this section provides an analysis of conditions and results of employee engagement at individual and organizational levels and describes the relationship between different aspects of this state and human resource management practices. The final section provides the research result — theoretical model which describes an employee engagement structure and a waythe different human resource management practices may presumably affect the formation of employee engagement and transformation of individual consequences of employee engagement into competitive advantages of organization. Value of results. Thus, this article can serve as a basis for further researchin the field of employee engagement in general and organizational employee engagement in particular.The findings of the study can be used in development of companies’ organizational policies regarding the field of human resource management.
Smirnov P. (2019) Vovlechennost' personala: tipy, urovni proyavleniyai svyazi s praktikami upravleniya chelovecheskimi resursami [Employee engagement: types, levels of realization and links with human resource management practices]. Organizacionnaâ psihologiâ (Organizational Psychology), vol. 9, no 1, pp. 81-95 (in Russian)