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Organizational Psychology |
Editorial officeAddress: 20, Myasnitskaya, 101000 Moscow, Russia
Tatiana Chuykova1, Daria Sotnikova2Attitude to work under the conditions of insecure employment
Vol. 6.
No. 1.
P. 6–19
[issue contents]
Purpose. The paper aims to discuss a relatively new for Russian psychology phenomenon of job insecurity: basic characteristics, particular approaches to studying, psychological consequences.The results of empirical research aimed at studying attitudes towards work in conditions of insecure employment are represented. Study design. The study was conducted on a sample of 104 persons working in different organizations of large industrial city in Central Russia. The study used the survey method type. Based on values of indicators of subjective insecurity of work, the sample was divided into two groups: confident in their present and future in the organization (“confident workers”, 60 persons) and those who were unsure of these aspects (“insecure workers”, 44 persons). In accordance with the objectives of the study, in the selected groups were compared indicators characterizing the attitude to work: commitment to the organization and work, indicators of engagement (vigor, dedication, absorption), turnover intention, and the level of depression, as an indicator of emotional well-being. Findings. As a result there were received statistically significant differences between the two groupsin terms of commitment to the work, vigor, dedication, absorption activity (higher values in the groupof “confident workers”), and on indicators of turnover intention and the level of severity of depression (higher values in the group “insecure workers”). The correlation analysis also confirmed these results. Value of the results. Thus, we conclude: personal feeling insecure job leads to a decline of engagement and commitment to the work, higher levels of depression and turnover intention. The results of our study are consistent with the results of studies conducted by foreign authors.
Chuykova T., Sotnikova D. (2016) Osobennosti otnosheniya k rabote v usloviyakhnegarantirovannoy zanyatosti [Attitude to work under the conditions of insecure employment]. Organizacionnaâ psihologiâ (Organizational Psychology), vol. 6, no 1, pp. 6-19 (in Russian)