
Organizational Psychology

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David Autissier1,2, Jean-Cristophe Foucrit3, Elena Pachtchenko-de Préville4,5, Thierry Raynard6
  • 1 Paris-Est Créteil University, 61 avenue du Général de Gaulle 94010 CRETEIL CEDEX - FRANCE
  • 2 ESSEC Chair of Change Management ESSEC Business School, 3 Avenue Bernard Hirsch - CS 50105 CERGY 95021 CERGY PONTOISE CEDEX – FRANCE
  • 3 French National Railway Company (SNCF), 10 cours de Verdun 69286 LYON CEDEX 02 – FRANCE
  • 4 ESSEC Chair of Change Management ESSEC Business School , 3 AVENUE BERNARD HIRSCH - CS 50105 CERGY 95021 CERGY PONTOISE CEDEX – FRANCE
  • 5 Institute of Psychology of Russian Academy of Science, 13 Yaroslavskaya, Moscow 129366, Russia
  • 6 Group of cohesion human resources, HR-department, French National Railway Company (SNCF), 2 place aux Étoiles – CS 700001 93633 LA PLAINE ST DENIS CEDEX- FRANCE

Managerial innovation through the example of the use of learning networks in the French National Railway Company

2016. Vol. 6. No. 1. P. 20–38 [issue contents]
Management methods, which are based on organizational and behavioral models inherited from the past, are not fully adequate in the current conditions of globalization, increasing competition, and rapidly changing customer needs. The authors of the article, relying on the experience of the learning networks in the French National Railway company (SNCF), offer consideration of the learning  networks as an innovative method of management corresponding to the purposes of the increase in productivity. The learning networks promote the appearance of initiatives and creations of innovations, raise an organizational commitment, and also improve satisfaction and quality of life at work. Moreover, the use of the learning networks favors the creation of conditions for exchange of experience and collective learning in the course of activity, as well as to develop an entrepreneurial spirit during work on joint projects. One of the principal results from the activity of the learning networks is the development of decisions and their introduction in production. Their functioning is based on trust and mutual understanding between the participants whose contributing cooperation is characterized by aspecial model of their relationships. The article gives a definition of the learning networks and contains elements of methodology of application of the learning networks in the SNCF. This experience allows us to speak about the perspectives of the use of the learning networks, in particular, for the development of the action plans, carrying out diagnostics of various situations, the possibility to resolve various problems, etc. To illustrate a new approach in management, the article shows the relationship between the activity of a learning network and its effectiveness with the example of one of the SNCF learning networks.

Citation: Autissier D., Foucrit J., Pachtchenko-de Préville E., Raynard T. (2016) Innovatsii v menedzhmente na primere ispol'zovaniya obuchayushchikh setey v natsional'nom obshchestve frantsuzskikh zheleznykh dorog [Managerial innovation through the example of the use of learning networks in the French National Railway Company]. Organizacionnaâ psihologiâ (Organizational Psychology), vol. 6, no 1, pp. 20-38 (in Russian)
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