
Organizational Psychology

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Mikhail Ivanov1,2
  • 1 Lomonosov Moscow State University, 11, build. 9, Mokhovaya Str., Moscow 125009, Russia
  • 2 National Institute of Certified Management Consultants, 82 Vernadsky av., Moscow 119571, Russian Federation

Client-centered Approach towards the Work with values in management consulting

2016. Vol. 6. No. 3. P. 67–90 [issue contents]
Purpose. The article is devoted to the presentation of the author’s approach to dealing with personal, group and organizational values into practice of client-centered management consulting. Approach. In his approach to management consulting author relies on the principles client-centeredtherapy of C. Rogers and the three-pronged approach to the analysis of human activity (M. G. Yaroshevsky). Values are considered to be the base of decision-making in business management. Findings. It describesthe author’s developments (technologies) at the individual and group management consulting in organizations: the technology of individual consulting of owners; the technology of management teamwork with values in the process of strategic planning. The technology of works with the values of the organization and its customers in the analysis of the business model. Implications for practice. Working with values enables the integration of personal, social, and substantive aspects of the organizational activity. Value of the results. All designs are copyright and have been tested in the Russian commercial organizations.

Citation: Ivanov M. (2016) Klient-tsentrirovannyy podkhod k rabote s tsennostyami pri upravlencheskom konsul'tirovanii [Client-centered Approach towards the Work with values in management consulting]. Organizacionnaâ psihologiâ (Organizational Psychology), vol. 6, no 3, pp. 67-90 (in Russian)
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