
Organizational Psychology

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Valentina Barabanschikova1, Faniya Sultanova1, Artem Kovalev1, Kiichiro Hatoyama2, Dmitry Boyarinov1, Lyudmila Gubaidulina1
  • 1 Lomonosov Moscow Sate University, 11/9 Mokhovaya st., Moscow 125009, Russian Federation
  • 2 Nagaoka University of Technology, 1603-1, Kamitomioka-machi, Nagaoka, Niigata, 940-2188, Japan

Features of Coping Strategies for Russian and Japanese Drivers during Traffic Congestion (in Russian)

2021. Vol. 11. No. 1. P. 25–46 [issue contents]
Purpose. This article examines the problem of psychological characteristics of Russian and Japanese drivers, depending on coping strategies. The most optimal coping strategies can reduce the risk of accidents for both professional drivers and motorists during traffic jams. The purpose of the study is to find optimal coping strategies for improving the functional states of drivers during traffic congestion. Study design. In this study, various ways of spending time are coping strategies that allow you to cope with stress and other negative functional states during traffic congestion. The study consisted of three stages. Each stage involved participants completing a package of techniques consisting ofa biographical questionnaire and psychodiagnostic methods. (I) The experimental study aimed to examine the coping strategies of Japanese drivers during traffic congestion. 22 drivers participated in the experiment. Four ways of spending time were used as coping strategies. (II) Online survey. 242drivers were involved in an online survey aimed at identifying data about drivers in traffic congestions and their psychological characteristics. (III) The experimental study of the functional states of Russian drivers during traffic jams, where 24 people (12 drivers and 12 non-drivers) took part. During this stage was carried out registration of eye movements using the eye tracker SMI RED 120. 6 ways of spending time were used as coping strategies. Findings. It was found that the least effective copingstrategy during traffic jams is «doing nothing» for Japanese and Russian drivers. Listening to music proved to be the most optimal coping strategy during traffic jams for Japanese drivers. Solving a quiz was the most effective coping strategy for Russian drivers in this study. Value of the results. The data obtained can be used to create guidelines for optimizing the functional states of drivers during traffic congestion, including professional drivers.

Citation: Barabanschikova V., Sultanova F., Kovalev A., Hatoyama K., Boyarinov D., Gubaidulina L. (2021) Osobennosti koping-strategiy rossiyskikh i yaponskikh voditeley vo vremya dorozhnykh probok [Features of Coping Strategies for Russian and Japanese Drivers during Traffic Congestion]. Organizacionnaâ psihologiâ (Organizational Psychology), vol. 11, no 1, pp. 25-46 (in Russian)
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