The purpose of the paper is to identify the attitudes towards corporate health promotion programs in workplace as part of corporate culture of employees in companies operating in the territory of Russia, as well as to give an idea of the changes required for design and further development of corporate wellness programs to increase its relevance. Methodology. The article is based on a quantitative sociological study conducted in November 2019 — April 2020. The respondents in which were 5,178 full-time employees of eight Russian medium and large companies of following branches of the Russian economy: energy, industry, pharmaceuticals, light and food industries, telecommunications, and IT. All respondents had access to corporate wellness programs. Findings. Respondents are interested in health maintaining. Even though there are pronounced branches’ differences in preferences in corporate health programs assessment, employees in companies of all branches highly appreciate sports events and voluntary health insurance programs provision. Respondents are less satisfied with educational, awareness-raising activities, measures to prevent harmful habits and injuries. However, with a low level of satisfaction, they are not interested in this part of corporate health promotion programs and do not propose to strengthen existing corporate health promotion programs with educational and educational activities. This fact may indicate an in sufficient level of preparation and implementation of such events. The value of results. As part of the research, the authors for the first time have introduced the comparative analysis of employees’ proposals to supplement the existing corporate health promotion practices in companies by branches. This analysis identifies areas for the further development of corporate health promotion programs in the workplace.
Khoreva O., Tarasenko E., Ivanova E. (2021) Korporativnye programmy po ukrepleniyu zdorov'ya na rabochem meste kak chast' korporativnoy kul'tury v predstavleniyakh rabotnikov rossiyskikh predpriyatiy [Worksite Wellness Programs as a Part of Corporate Culture: A Research on Attitudes of Employees in Russian Companies]. Organizacionnaâ psihologiâ (Organizational Psychology), vol. 11, no 2, pp. 76-97 (in Russian)