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Organizational Psychology |
Editorial officeAddress: 20, Myasnitskaya, 101000 Moscow, Russia
Yana Korneeva1, Ludmila Shahova1, Anastasiya Korneeva1Professionally important qualities of the federal bailiff service employees with different professional performance types
Vol. 12.
No. 2.
P. 12–37
[issue contents]
Purpose. The study is devoted to identifying and describing of the professionally important qualities severity features of bailiffs with different professional performance. Study design. In total, 277 bailiffs took part in the study. Research methods: performance parameters were assessed using the expert assessment method by heads of departments, as well as self-assessment of employees; the “cost” of the activity was assessed using questionnaires and psychological testing; professionally important qualities were assessed using test methods that assess the civic, motivational, intellectual, communicative, organizational, emotional and volitional characteristics of a person. Statistical methods: descriptive statistics, two-stage cluster analysis and multivariate analysis of variance. Findings. As the study result of efficiency parameters, all employees were divided into groups withhigh and medium efficiency by means of two-stage cluster analysis, and with respect to the “price” ofactivities — with high and optimal ones. When correlating various efficiency and the “cost” of activities options, we have developed four professional performance types of bailiffs: 1) high performance (high efficiency and optimal “cost” of activity), 2) efficiency due to the “cost” of activity (high efficiency at ahigh “cost” activity), 3) average performance while conserving resources (average efficiency with anoptimal “cost” of activity), 4) reduced performance (average efficiency with a high “cost” of activity). As a result of the study, it was found that bailiffs with different types of professional performance have different professionally important qualities, while most of the differences are observed in the groups of intellectual, communicative, volitional, emotional and organizational qualities. Practical implementation. Analysis of diagnostic methods and techniques used in the periodic assessment of personnel made it possible to establish the need to include additional techniques for assessing professional motivation, which may cause a decrease in performance.
Korneeva Y., Shahova L., Korneeva A. (2022) Vyrazhennost' professional'no vazhnykh kachestv sotrudnikov federal'noy sluzhby sudebnykh pristavov s raznymi tipami effektivnosti professional'noy deyatel'nosti [Professionally important qualities of the federal bailiff service employees with different professional performance types]. Organizacionnaâ psihologiâ (Organizational Psychology), vol. 12, no 2, pp. 12-37 (in Russian)