Organizational Psychology |
Editorial officeAddress: 20, Myasnitskaya, 101000 Moscow, Russia
Nadezhda Kalinichenko 1Personal innovativeness in the extended technology acceptance model (in Russian)
Vol. 12.
No. 4.
P. 160–182
[issue contents]
According to M. Crozier, a leading French specialist in the field of sociology of organizations, “in the modern competitive struggle, first of all, the struggle is not for the possession of resources, material values, but for the ability to innovate” (Crozier, Tilliette, 1995). The role of personality “as an objectand subject of change” in the process of innovations in organizations is enormous but received littleattention in the context of information technologies usage and had not been examined in sufficient detail. Purpose. The purpose of the study is to investigate the contribution of components of the innovative potential of a worker and innovative disposition as factors that can explain patterns of organizational behavior associated with computer systems utilization. Methodology. The construction of multipleregression models for the core constructs of the technology acceptance model (perceived usefulnessand perceived ease of use) with the inclusion of variables-indicators of personal innovativeness andseveral external variables identified in the extended technology acceptance model (subjective norms, job relevance, voluntariness, image, output quality, result demonstrability, computer self-efficacy) met the purpose of the study. Findings. The analysis of regression equations found the specifics of motivational attitudes of our sample representing competent users: only some predictors make a significant contribution in the main components of the model (“job relevance” and “subjective norms” as antecedents of perceived usefulness, “image” and “desire for change” as antecedents of perceivedease of use). Conclusions. A stable personal disposition that characterizes the innovative potential of a worker in relation to software adoption and usage is the “Desire for change”, which turned out to be avaluable empirical finding that contributes to development of promising research directed on deeper understanding of prerequisites that form the motivation to accept computer systems with varied user experience.
Kalinichenko N. (2022) Innovatsionnaya napravlennost' lichnosti v rasshirennoy modeli prinyatiya informatsionnykh tekhnologiy [Personal innovativeness in the extended technology acceptance model]. Organizacionnaâ psihologiâ (Organizational Psychology), vol. 12, no 4, pp. 160-182 (in Russian)