
Organizational Psychology

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Elena Kamneva1, Natalia Karlovskaya2, Evgeniy Morgunov3, Nikolai Pryazhnikov1,4, Elena Pryazhnikova1
  • 1 Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, 49, Leningradskiy Av., Moscow, 125993, Russia
  • 2 Dostoevsky Omsk State University, Neftezavodskaia str., 11, 644053, Russia
  • 3 Moscow Higher School of Social and Economical Science, 82, Bldg. 2, Vernadsky Prospect, 119571, Moscow, Russia,
  • 4 Lomonosov Moscow State University, Mohovaya street 11-9, Moscow, 125009, Russian Federation.

Trust and faith in business relationships (in Russian)

2022. Vol. 12. No. 4. P. 183–207 [issue contents]
Purpose. The article undertakes a theoretical and methodological analysis of trust and faith in business relations, considering modern changes in the field of personnel management, organizational psychology and the economy as a whole. Method. The place in the system of business relations is specified, as well as the ratio of faith and trust with similar concepts (commitment, loyalty, involvement, reputation, etc.). The main stages of building trusting business relations are highlighted, which, with their strongseverity, can grow into faith. Different «addressees» of trust and faith are also determined, ranging from specific people (including faith in oneself), and ending with faith in the «power» of the existing orders of business relations enshrined in laws, orders, traditions. Separately, the relationship between differentvariants of faith in the nature of production and the corresponding production relations is considered,taking into account changes in the minds of most people in the modern era. Finding. A comparativetheoretical analysis of the manifestation of trust and faith in organizations with pronounced and lesspronounced labor regulation and strict control over employees is given. Values of results. The assumptionis substantiated that with more strict regulation, the employee often delegates responsibility to externalregulators, respectively, more and trusts them, up to the «deification» of some of the most authoritative colleagues, leaders, and managers, or — more believes in the power of certain models of production organization. And with a weakened external regulation of labor, workers often develop internal means of self-regulation, which sometimes, with a special success of activity, generates confidence in some of them, and in extreme cases, even a conviction that they are helped by some «higher forces».

Citation: Kamneva E., Karlovskaya N., Morgunov E., Pryazhnikov N., Pryazhnikova E. (2022) Doverie i vera v delovykh otnosheniyakh [Trust and faith in business relationships (in Russian)]. Organizacionnaâ psihologiâ (Organizational Psychology), vol. 12, no 4, pp. 183-207 (in Russian)
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