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Organizational Psychology |
Editorial officeAddress: 20, Myasnitskaya, 101000 Moscow, Russia
Vladimir Tolochek1Professional career as a phenomenon: open questions. Part three (in Russian)
Vol. 14.
No. 1.
P. 203–222
[issue contents]
In the third article (Part three), the problem under consideration is defined as the prerequisites for the formation and historical evolution of the “professional career” phenomenon. Purpose: to study the features of the manifestation of a professional career as a historically evolving phenomenon. Hypotheses. 1. Historically changing activities of people “crystallize” in a few stable forms. 2. The “professional career” phenomenon originates at the “craft” stage and evolves widely at the “profession” stage. Methods: historical-theoretical, subject-categorical analysis. The first section analyzes the historical evolution of human activity, shows the limited explanation of “labor” by K. Marx and domestic philosophers in relation to developed forms of human activity; three main forms are distinguished — “work”, “craft”, “profession” (professional activity) — and a description of their characteristics is given. In the second, the conditions for the emergence of a professional career as a socio-psychological phenomenon are considered using examples of various types of activity (military, sports, etc.). In the third section, three types of small social groups (declared, latent, social complementary dyads) are discussed as the basic mechanisms for the professional development of the subject and the emergence of the phenomenon of professional career. In conclusion, it is summarized that the identification of three self-sufficient forms of people’s labor activity can be considered as the starting point in explaining the phenomenon of a career (professional career). Work (occupation, exercise, hobby) is a non-permanent activity, limited in time, space and means; craft is a constant activity taking place in a fixed physical and social space, aimed at creating an integral product (services); profession (professional activity) is a highly specialized activity within the boundaries of solving individual problems of creating an integral product (services) in the structure of a number of social institutions, limited by the physical and social space that allows its changes. The emergence of cities led to the division of social labor, the formation of many of its varieties and, accordingly, the specialization in them of certain groups of people, one of the forms was craft; the emergence of universities, manufactories and standing armies gave rise top rofessions in the depths of which the phenomenon of “career” (in the narrow sense — “professional career”) was born and developed.
Tolochek V. (2024) Professional'naya kar'era kak fenomen: otkrytye voprosy. Chast' tret'ya [Professional career as a phenomenon: open questions. Part three]. Organizational Psychology, vol. 14, no 1, pp. 203-222 (in Russian)