
Organizational Psychology

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Stanislav Pavlov

The role of emotional sphere in professional activity regulation in middle management

2011. Vol. 1. No. 1. P. 91–100 [issue contents]

Purpose. The research focuses on the examination of the relationship between the emotional sphere and professional activity regulation in middle management level. Study design. The construct of Emotional Intelligence was employed to represent the emotional sphere. The EI level is measured via the EmIQ inventory, designed by E.A. Orel (adapt version of the Queendom EQ). Professional activity regulation is reflected in the level of job efficiency that is measured with the help of two of the three objective efficiency scales, designed by V.D. Shadrikov. Respondents were offered to fill in the version of the EmIQ Then, productivity and reliability of managers was evaluated based on sales results. The estimation was made on the basis of the average of the productivity and reliability of sales for each of the expertise areas of managers responding. The study was conducted in 2010. The sample is formed by random selection of middle managers for companies recruiting and HR consulting (N = 21). Findings. The research did not reveal a meaningful correlation between the level of Emotional Intelligence and the level of job efficiency. No meaningful differences in the level of efficiency were found between the groups of high and low levels of EI either. Few meaningful differences in the levels of EI were found between the groups of high and low levels of efficiency. Those differences were deemed random. Research limitations. This study is exploratory in nature and since hypotheses were only partly supported, future research should address this topic in depth.

Citation: Pavlov, S. (2011). Rol' emotsional'noy sfery v regulyatsii professional'noy deyatel'nosti menedzhera srednego zvena [The role of emotional sphere in professional activity regulation in middle management]. Organizacionnaâ psihologiâ (Organizational Psychology), vol. 1, no 1, pp. 91-100 (in Russian)
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