
Organizational Psychology

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Natalia Ivanova1, Anna Klimova1, Warren Thorngate2
  • 1 National Research University Higher School of Economics, 20 Myasnitskaya Str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation
  • 2 The Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive Ottawa, On, K1S 5B6

Generalists in Modern Organizations: Theoretical Review

2019. Vol. 9. No. 4. P. 185–202 [issue contents]
In the present article we analyze the current problem of modern organizations, which is associated with an increase in interest in the so-called professionals — generalists compared with specialists, interest in comparison of professions from the position of the complexity and the depthof tasks that their representatives solve. On the example of three case studies of professions that are considered as generalists in organizations and society, the specifics of the activities, professional training and careers of their representatives are shown. We also identify reasons why organizations need the sespecialists, as well as problems associated with their status, their duties and communications. Three types of generalists in the organization are identified, due to the peculiarities of their involvement insolving different goals of the organization and to different career prospects. It is shown that generalists are the most important resource for organizational adaptation to changing external and internal conditions.

Citation: Ivanova N., Klimova A., Torngate W. (2019) Generalists in Modern Organizations: Theoretical Review. Organizacionnaâ psihologiâ (Organizational Psychology), vol. 9, no 4, pp. 185-202 (in English)
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