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Organizational Psychology |
Editorial officeAddress: 20, Myasnitskaya, 101000 Moscow, Russia
Andrey Sidorenkov1, Wladimir Stroh2, Denis Shtilnikov3The levels and components of employee identity in the organization
Vol. 10.
No. 2.
P. 35–57
[issue contents]
The purpose of the study is to study the severity and correlation of identity at various levelsof identification (personal, interpersonal, microgroup, group, suborganizational and organizational) by cognitive and affective components, as well as these two components by six levels of employeeidentity in organizations from different segments the activities of society. Method. The sample consisted of 506 employees of various organizations employed in the socio-economic field (241 people) and in law enforcement (265 people). Four author’s questionnaires were used to measure the corresponding levels and components of employee identity. Findings. It was found that among employees of both spheres of professional activity, personal identityis weakest expressed, and microgroup and suborganizational identities are most strongly expressed. Interpersonal identity is characterized by a stronger manifestation of the cognitive component of identity compared with the affective component. The inverse relationship — a greater manifestation of the affective component than the cognitive one — is characteristic of personal, microgroup, suborganizational, and organizational identities. In addition to these general features, differences are established between workers employed in the socio-economic and law enforcement spheres of organizational activity. The first difference concerns the degree of manifestation of the cognitive component at four levels of identification. So, among the employees of the socio-economic sphere, in comparison with the employees of a law enforcement institution, personal identity is more pronounced and weaker — interpersonal, microgroup and group identities. The second difference concerns the connection between demographic characteristics and the length of service of employees with certain levels and components of identity. In particular, the gender of workers in the socio-economic sphere is astronger predictor of the vast majority of identity variables (levels and components) compared to their age and length of service. The value of the results. The results significance obtained for science lies in the fact that they expand the idea of the multidimensionality of the identity of workers in the organization, including the features of the severity of its different faces. This will allow a more differentiated studyof the antecedents and consequences of identity, taking into account its levels and components. This study also provides empirical evidence in support of certain points of the social identity perspective that relate to the plurality of social identities.
Sidorenkov A., Stroh W., Shtilnikov D. (2020) Proyavlenie urovney i komponentov identichnosti rabotnikov v organizatsii [The levels and components of employee identity in the organization]. Organizacionnaâ psihologiâ (Organizational Psychology), vol. 10, no 2, pp. 35-57 (in Russian)