Organizational Psychology |
Editorial officeAddress: 20, Myasnitskaya, 101000 Moscow, Russia
Ekaterina Vashurina1, Takhir Bazarov2Features of decision making and leadership in the uncertainty conditions
Vol. 10.
No. 3.
P. 185–206
[issue contents]
Purpose. The purpose of the research is to identify the features of anticipation of random and regular events different types of personality in the future. Methodology. To achieve our goalsand objectives, we used an experimental method with observation included. To measure controlled variables was used the MBTI test, as well as the author’s questionnaire aimed at studying the group dynamics of teams. Findings. It was found that groups consisting of individuals of type NF more successfully solve “prognostic” tasks, rather than “logical” ones, and groups of individuals like SJ, on the contrary, better solve “logical” problems. This contradicts the data obtained in the individual series of the experiment but is consistent with the data related to the specifics of these groups. In the SP group, there is no sharp differentiation between the success of solving “logical” and “prognostic” tasks, whichis consistent with the data obtained in the individual part of the experiment. As in the first and second experiments revealed three main ways of making decisions. The first is voting when the members of the group came to a final decision by a majority by voting. The second is technology, when a certain “chain” of actions was created in a group, and coordination was achieved due to the responsibility of everyone for their part of the overall work. The third is decision making by the leader when the group delegates responsibility for the final decision to its leader. Practice relevance. Obtained in the study results allow us to formulate some key areas for the development of organizational psychology. When creating project teams, it must be considered that the speed of decision-making in groups that are homogeneous by personality type will be higher, but the range of possible decisions will be wider in heterogeneous groups. In a stable situation, as in a situation of uncertainty, leaders with personality type NF are effective if they have enough authority. Heterogeneous teams more efficiently solve problemsbut lose in speed and variety of solutions to homogeneous teams. The data obtained indicate that indifferent types of situations relevant specific personality characteristics. Understanding employeetypes is a huge advantage company in a rapidly changing environment makes effective decisions when forming design teams’ groups. We have identified certain trends in relationships such as personality, group composition, and type of situation, however, this area requires further in-depth study.
Vashurina E., Bazarov T. (2020) Osobennosti prinyatiya resheniy i liderstva v usloviyakh neopredelennosti [Features of decision making and leadership in the uncertainty conditions]. Organizacionnaâ psihologiâ (Organizational Psychology), vol. 10, no 3, pp. 185-206 (in Russian)