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Organizational Psychology |
Editorial officeAddress: 20, Myasnitskaya, 101000 Moscow, Russia
Irina Loginova1,2, Mariya Sevost'yanova3Features of the doctor’s life-world stability with different functional responsibilities in a hospital to combat COVID-19 (in Russian)
Vol. 11.
No. 3.
P. 30–46
[issue contents]
Purpose is to study the features of the doctor’s life-world stability with different functional responsibilities in a hospital to combat COVID-19. Methodology. The research methodology is basedon systemic anthropological psychology. The empirical study is based on the use of the author’s method “Research of the human life-world stability” (Loginova, 2012), which is adequate to the stated methodology. The total sample size was 78 doctors (58 — doctor on duty and 20 — attending doctors).The collection of empirical data was carried out from April 30 to August 28, 2020. The specifics of the organization of the work of hospitals during this period was organized according to the boarding type. Processing, analysis, and interpretation were carried out from September 01 to December 27, 2020. Findings. The features of the life-world stability of doctors on duty, in contrast to attending doctors in apandemic associated with COVID-19, are: (1) dominance of the temporal modus “past — present”; (2)disrupted continuity of personal history; (3) biography as a criterion for choosing the content of the described (significant) events; (4) dominant negative emotional background of events; (5) absent orsituational reflexive attitude to one’s own life; (6) significant events more often characterize the centralline of development or the completion of the line of development, and in some cases — significant and important events do not hold the general line of development. Revealed significant differences between the life-world stability of the attending doctors and doctors on duty. It can be assumed that changes in the life style of doctors on duty in a pandemic cannot be called critical, but they indicate the alleged targets of psychological assistance at the end of this period. Implications for practice. Disturbed relations with the world in a pandemic impede maintaining the stability of the life world and are moreclearly manifested among the doctors on duty. The specificity of the life-world stability of doctors onduty is close to the state of the human life-world stability in a crisis period. Originality. For the first time,data were obtained on the characteristics of the doctors life-world stability with different functional responsibilities in a residential hospital during a pandemic associated with COVID-19.
Loginova I., Sevost'yanova M. (2021) Osobennosti ustoychivosti zhiznennogo mira vrachey s raznymi funktsional'nymi obyazannostyami v usloviyakh gospitalya po bor'be s COVID-19 [Features of the doctor’s life-world stability with different functional responsibilities in a hospital to combat COVID-19]. Organizacionnaâ psihologiâ (Organizational Psychology), vol. 11, no 3, pp. 30-46 (in Russian)