N.A. Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health, st. Vorontsovo Pole, 12 building 1, Moscow, 105064
National Research University Higher School of Economics, 20 Myasnitskaya Str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation
P. Hertsen Moscow Oncology Research Institute – branch of the National Medical Research Radiological Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
National Research University Higher School of Economics, 20 Myasnitskaya Str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation
The relationship between emotional burnout and job satisfaction among oncologists of therapeutic and surgical profiles
Purpose. The purpose of the paper is to identify organizational factors influencing the development of the emotional burnout in oncologists based on the assessment and comparative analysis of the severity of the emotional burnout among two groups of oncologists (providing medicalcare on an inpatient and outpatient basis). Methodology. The article is based on a quantitative sociological study. The respondents were 100 doctors of the oncological service in Moscow, of which 50 oncologists carried out their professional activities in outpatient medical organization (А group) and 50 oncologists worked in inpatient medical organization (В group). These two groups of doctors differed statistically in their profile of activity: in the А-group there were significantly more representatives of the therapeutic profile, in the В group — surgical profile. Results. 56% and 62% of the respondents of the А and B groups had a high and extremely high degree of the emotional burnout growth, 38% and 60% of specialists noted satisfaction with the work process, respectively. When assessing the relationship between the severity of the professional emotional burnout and its individual phases with the level of satisfaction with various components of the work process in the study and control groups, a noticeable statistically significant correlation was revealed for the overall level of job satisfaction, satisfaction with wages in comparison with other organizations, wage fairness, career opportunities, growth, leadership style of the boss. Findings. Assessment, prevention and treatment of emotional burnout should be carried out among doctors working both in hospitals and outpatient clinics. Special attention should be paid to young doctors, as well as to doctors with work experience of 20 yearsor more. The main measures to control this state should be aimed at creating a fair and transparent system of remuneration, individualizing the amount of incentive payments, creating opportunities for professional and career growth of employees, training the heads of functional departments in the basics of organizational management. The value of the results. As part of the study, the authors forthe first time introduced a comparative analysis of the severity of emotional burnout in oncologists providing medical care on an outpatient basis and in hospitals of medical organizations. The results obtained make it possible to identify ways to improve the management of medical personnel to develop measures to prevent and reduce the level of professional emotional burnout among oncologists.
Russkikh S., Moskvicheva L., Tarasenko E., Tarasenko E., Makarova E. (2023) Vzaimosvyaz' emotsional'nogo vygoraniya s udovletvorennost'yu rabotoy u vrachey-onkologov terapevticheskogo i khirurgicheskogo profiley [The relationship between emotional burnout and job satisfaction among oncologists of therapeutic and surgical profiles]. Organizational Psychology, vol. 13, no 1, pp. 9-34 (in Russian)