
Organizational Psychology

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Dewan Ashrafi1, Rashed Al-Karim2, Arpa Barua2
  • 1 East West University, A/2, Jahurul Islam Avenue, Aftabnagar, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
  • 2 East Delta University, East Nasirabad, Khulshi, Chittagong, 4209; Bangladesh

Employer branding, job satisfaction, organisational commitment, organizational citizenship behaviour: A moderated-mediation approach

2023. Vol. 13. No. 4. P. 83–101 [issue contents]
Purpose. The purpose of this study is to investigate the mediating role of job satisfaction in tandem with the moderating role of organisational commitment and income in employer branding and organizational citizenship behaviour relationship in the context of Bangladesh banking sector. Method. Data were collected from surveying 211 employees of private banks in Bangladesh through a structured questionnaire. Findings. The findings of the study demonstrate that employer branding is positive in organizational citizenship behaviour. Additionally, job satisfaction partially mediates the employer branding and organizational citizenship behaviour relationship. Lastly, both organisational commitment and income significantly moderate the job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behaviour relationship. Vаlue of results. The outcomes of the study incorporate considerable amount of knowledge into employer branding, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and organizational citizenship behaviour literature. More precisely, the moderating role of organizational commitment and income between job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behaviour is a unique contribution of the present study which will believably enrich the literature of the existing organizational citizenship behaviour predominantly used in the Bangladeshi banking sector.

Citation: Ashrafi D., Al-Karim R., Barua A. (2023) Employer branding, job satisfaction, organisational commitment, organizational citizenship behaviour: A moderated-mediation approach. Organizational Psychology, vol. 13, no 4, pp. 83-101.
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