2011 т. 1 no 1
- Pages
- Research in organizational psychology
Purpose. This research paper aims to follow a line of research that examines the impact of emotional intelligence (EI) on negotiation effectiveness. Study design. The negotiation effectiveness is considered here in two aspects: as an individual performance and as a mutual performance. The paper aims to hypothesize that there is positive relationship between the individual level of participant’s emotional intelligence and the negotiation success (negotiation effectiveness). This hypothesis has tested in quasi-experimental design with the role-playing game «Negotiations». The underlying game assumption is that participants have to find a mutually acceptable, partner solution during the negotiation. The emotional intelligence level has been measured with the test MSCEIT V2.0 (modified version, adapted for the Russian sample). The paper uses a sample of 36 schoolchildren, 24 students and 12 business employees (N = 72). Findings. These findings indicate that the high emotional intelligence level correlate with the individual level of participant’s emotional intelligence and negotiation success (negotiation effectiveness). However, some specific evidence demands further investigation, particular if there is participant with low EI level in negotiation pair, negotiation effectiveness is low, the same as in pair, where both participants have low EI level. Evidence comparing among different socio-demographic groups has shown that in some cases a high level of emotional intelligence can compensate the lack of negotiation experience. Research implications for practice. The paper provides negotiators with insights into the conditions needed to avoid low efficiency of negotiations. Value of the results. This empirical study contributes to the research on emotional intelligence by examining it in relation to negotiation effectiveness.
Purpose. This research paper aims to investigate the interdependence among employee estimates of organizational culture type and the differences in employee attitudes to conducting ethical behavior in business. Study design. The paper presents the results of theoretical and empirical studies. Attitudes to conducting ethical standards (ACES) of business behavior is considered by the authors as one of the aspects of the morality closely associated with moral behavior. Psychological attitude to compliance with ethical standards presented in the consciousness of the subject by motives, intentions and willingness to act ethically. The research was based on a questionnaire study with 257 respondents throughout Russia – employees of eight organizations in different kind of business. Findings. The results suggest that the main dimensions of culture associated with the level of ACES proved The Management Style and Organizational Glue Strategic Emphasis. These dimensions have shown significant correlation with the level of attitude to conducting ethical standards (ACES). Moreover, the level of ACES of business behavior is associated with a combination of organizational culture in the estimates of its various types. Thus, particular organizations culture type (Market and Clan types) with domination of competing values associated with a low level of willingness to follow ethical standards (truthfulness, justice and responsibility). Estimates of the preferred type of culture are advanced by employee motivation and also interconnected with attitudes to conducting ethical standards (ACES) in business. Research implications for practice. This empirical result contributes to the development of programs of organizational change and suggests the tools for the analysis of ethical and emotional aspects of organizational culture. Originality of the results. Authors represented the conceptual model of moral and ethical aspects of organizational culture.
Purpose. The main aim of the present study is to update previous research data on the Assessment Center (AC) Validity, obtained in Gaugler study in 1987. This meta-analytic study focused on Assessment Center Validity examination. Study design. This meta-analysis examined works carried out from 1985 to 2005, 26 studies and 27 validity coefficients (N = 5850), linking the Overall Assessment Rating (OAR) to the supervisory performance ratings (PR) were analyzed. The same methodology as Gaugler employed to analyze data. AC has seen in terms of the ability to select the best candidates for a position, Overall Assessment Rating has used as a criterion measure Assessment Center Effectiveness. The validity of the individual competencies measurement has not considered. Findings. The average value of the correlation between the OAR and PR is 0.28 (95% confidence interval 0.24 ≤ ρ ≤ 0.32). Number of assessed competencies, number of original selection methods and type of procedure were taken into account. As might be expected, none of the variables are affected. Research implications for practice. Focus future research predictive validity AC deserves the following issues. Firstly, it is the need to expand and refine the criteria by which the validity of the AC is measured. Secondly, it is important to examine the validity of the AC competitive compared with simulation exercises with low ecological validity, such as case-tests. It has been suggested that this validity estimate is likely to be conservative given that assessment centre validities tend to be affected by indirect range restriction. |
- Organizational psychology in practice
Purpose. The purpose of the paper is to outline the current state of research on the validity of Assessment centers widely regarded among the most popular methods of personnel assessment. Also the method of Assessment centers is compared with other evaluation methods. Study design. This paper reviews the past and current meta-analysis studies on a predictive validity of the assessment center. Such studies provide different validity findings ranging from 0.28 to 0.63. Possible causes of such differences and consideration of the general questions of the validity analysis of the assessment center have been reviewed. Findings. The validity of assessment centers is higher in those cases: when more types of exercises are using; when assessors are professional psychologists (not managers); and when the Assessment Center includes 360-degrees peer feedback. Assessment centers provide better results, when it considered as a sum of different indicators. There is a tendency to provide more differentiated view of the results in contemporary practice of assessment center. Research implications for practice. According to the authors, the employment of assessment centers is justified and leads to a much more positive consequences for the company than any other method. The real validity of assessment centers in the conducted meta-analyzes can be considerably undervalued for several reasons. Such as small samples, indirect restriction of samples, difficulties in selecting objective effectiveness criteria for the managerial positions, selection weak criteria for the validation for mass assessment procedures.Value of the results. While the debate over the issue of the validity of the assessment center remains popular it reveals that additional research seems needed on. Areas of development and exploration are recommended, and limits associated with the Assessment Center practice are highlighted. |
Purpose. This research paper aims to explore the connection between the corporate competency models and personal patterns of interpersonal perception in personnel assessment. This study examines the phenomenon of employing or refusing of the competency model and possible difficulties in applying this tool in practice. Study design. The paper uses a sample of 204 managers from all managerial levels of the large Russian telecommunication company. The study has been conducted in 2009 by ECOPSY consultants and company’s HR function. The initial constructs have been allocated with structured interviews and content analysis. The cognitive structure of identified characteristics has been also examined. Factor analysis and the comparison individual ratings matrices perception were conducted to determine the basic perceptive factors in the subordinates’ evaluation process. These factors have been compared with typical competency models. Findings. The results indicate that in some cases current corporate competency model does not correspond to the implicit model of interpersonal perception. It brings some difficulties to employing of the competency model and prevents its implementation in organizational practice. The four key factors of interpersonal perception identified on the based on the evidence: Professionalism, Influence, Honesty and Ambition. Furthermore, the Honesty and the Professionalism factors are usually poorly reflected in the corporate competency model. There is ambivalent attitude of employees to the Ambition factor. Research implications for practice. The gap between the implicit patterns of interpersonal perception and competence model not only prevents them from adopting, but also blocks the ability to reflect them and apply it consciously. The larger difference between the implicit patterns and the competency model, the higher the probability of error estimation. Value of the results. This paper describes the possible difficulties in applyingcompetency model in organizational practice and providesconditions for the successful implementation.
- Reviews
Purpose. The purpose of this study is to describe the current state of Russian organizational psychology and identify its internal thematic structure. The paper analyzes the subject of articles in organizational psychology, published at Russian scientific and practical journals. Study approach. The article examines the subjects of organizational and psychological publications presented in 11 domestic scientific and practical periodicals. The study analyzed 422 issues from 11 journals published during the period from 2000 to 2009. Content analysis of publications in scientific journals was conducted. Findings. The analysis revealed that the most domestic authors are interested in topics of selection, evaluation, training and staff development, planning and management of his career, decision making, occupational stress and burnout and the subjects of psychology professions. Moreover, the results of studies suggest a slight increase in the number of publications in this time interval.
- First Steps
Purpose. The research focuses on the examination of the relationship between the emotional sphere and professional activity regulation in middle management level. Study design. The construct of Emotional Intelligence was employed to represent the emotional sphere. The EI level is measured via the EmIQ inventory, designed by E.A. Orel (adapt version of the Queendom EQ). Professional activity regulation is reflected in the level of job efficiency that is measured with the help of two of the three objective efficiency scales, designed by V.D. Shadrikov. Respondents were offered to fill in the version of the EmIQ Then, productivity and reliability of managers was evaluated based on sales results. The estimation was made on the basis of the average of the productivity and reliability of sales for each of the expertise areas of managers responding. The study was conducted in 2010. The sample is formed by random selection of middle managers for companies recruiting and HR consulting (N = 21). Findings. The research did not reveal a meaningful correlation between the level of Emotional Intelligence and the level of job efficiency. No meaningful differences in the level of efficiency were found between the groups of high and low levels of EI either. Few meaningful differences in the levels of EI were found between the groups of high and low levels of efficiency. Those differences were deemed random. Research limitations. This study is exploratory in nature and since hypotheses were only partly supported, future research should address this topic in depth. |
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