2019 т. 9 no 2
- Pages
We are pleased to continue to acquaint readers with the latest developments in organizational psychology in 2019–2 issue of Organizational Psychology Journal. The “Research in Organizational Psychology” section is represented by three articles. Longitudinal study by Anna Smirnova“The dynamics of job attitudes of the employee in a threatening of job loss situation” found out a short-term motivating effect of the threat of job loss. The motivating effect of the threat of job loss is lost during six months. Long-term experiencing of the job insecurity leads to the change the job attitude (to the worse) and reduces the labor input. Research team Loan Le, Son Pham, Chinh Ha, Duc Bui explore how relational beliefs — Team-Member Exchange (TMX), and Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) — may affect the organizational commitment in the article “How Team-Member Exchange and Leader-Member Exchange effects on the Organizational commitment: the study of employees in industrial enterprises in North Vietnam”. The work “Emotional intelligence of HR managers: is it really improves management performance?” by Oxana Isaeva and Gerasim Mkrtychyan reveals the lack of correlation the average level of emotional intelligence and professional experience and career growth. According to the survey results, HR managers highly appreciate the role of emotional intelligence in professional activities. At the same time, they are not fully aware of the difference between emotional intelligence and other types of intellectual abilities and the role of its individual structural elements. There are two papers in the “Organizational psychology in practice” column. The article by Ulyana Podverbnykh "The ecosystem of teams assessment of prospective industrial projects" discussed an implementation of business processes of the assessment ecosystem in the Russian industrial enterprises: assessment of project results and its phases, assessment of individual performance in a team, assessment of the potential of team members, assessment of team potential. Tatiana Vasilyeva and Veniamin Romanov in the work “Socio-psychological adaptation of young professionals in engineering company: ways to overcome generation challenges” developed recommendations about ways to build effective communication between young and qualified employees of a team in engineering company. The “Reviews” is represent by article “The role of organizational identification in organizational change” of Yelena Naumtseva, where author generalize and systematize the scope of study on organizational identification and its role in the situation of organizational change. Study results give us reason to assume that a high level of organizational identification can both increase willingness to change and reduce it.
The column “First Steps” contains an article by an international collective of authors, including Nikita Kolachev, Evgeny Osin, Wilmar Schaufeli, Steffie Desart, entitled “Personal resources and burnout: evidence from a study among librarians of Moscow region”. It shows that the respondents’ level of burnout is quite low, personal resources are strongly and negatively related to burnout. Personal resources, age was a significant predictor of the level of burnout, while the work experience turned out to be insignificant. In the “Conferences” section you will find information about the upcoming all-Russian conference “Psychology of personnel management and social entrepreneurship in the conditions of changing technological structure” , Nizhny Novgorod, November 14–15, 2019.
In the “Literary Guide” section you will find our traditional article about the20 most cited and 20 most recent articles about organizational commitment. |
- Research in organizational psychology
Purpose. The purpose of the article is a theoretical and empirical analysis of the job insecurity due its influence on the employee job attitudes. Design. The design of the study was longitudinal. The empirical results were collected in 2017–2018. The empirical basis of the research is the separate structural department of the bank. The organization has realized downsizing project during the collection of empirical data. It has made possible to analyze the job satisfaction and work engagement before, during and after the downsizing project. Sample size N = 151 (at the start), and N = 116 (atthe end) of the study. The measures used in the present study are: 1) the “Utrecht Work Engagement Scale” (Schaufeli, Bakker, 2003); 2) “Brief Job Satisfaction Measure” (Judge, Locke, Durham, Kluger, 1998); 3) “The Job Insecurity Scale” by De Witte (2000; 2012). Scales 2–3 administered by A. Smirnova. Findings. An empirical analysis of the dynamics of job attitudes in the groups differ in age and gender has found out a short-term motivating effect of the threat of job loss. The motivating effect of the threat of job loss is lost during six months. The most significance motivating effect was wound out in within the group of ordinary employees in the senior category over 45 years. The threat of dismissal also has the greatest impact on the behavior change of that part of the staff that is most susceptible to experiencing job insecurity (regardless of age). The employees who perceived the job insecurity are more satisfied with their work and value it more highly. However, as the duration of the threats of the working situation increases, job attitudes show negative trends. Long-term experiencing of the job insecurity leads to the change the job attitude (to the worse) and reduces the labor input. Limitations. The study presented here is not without limitations. First and foremost, we did not pay sufficient attention to the family status of the employee and its role in the perception of job insecurityand job attitudes change. Despite on it, the findings presented in articles has its theoretical meaning in clarifying of the job insecurity experiencing and its psychological consequence and usefulness in organizational change project.
Purpose. The purpose of the study was to explore how relational beliefs — Team-MemberExchange (TMX), and Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) — may affect the organizational commitment. Method. The survey involved 547 employees of industrial enterprises in North Vietnam. The average age of respondents is 29.2 years; average work experience is six years; 54.2% of them are women. Hypothesis 1: there is a direct correlation between LMX and TMX, on the one hand, and organizational, affective, normative, and continued employee commitment, on the other. Hypothesis 2: LMX has a better prediction of organizational commitment than TMX. Three scales were used to collect empirical data: 1) A. Sears scale for measuring relationships with colleagues; 2) the scale by R. Liden and J. Maslyn to measure the relationship with the leader; 3) the scale of organizational commitment by J. Meyer and N. Allen. Results. Relations with colleagues (M = 3.70, SD = 0.64) are rated higher than relations with a manager (M = 3.52, SD = 0.63), the difference is statistically significant (p < 0.01). There is afairly strong direct correlation between relationships with colleagues and organizational commitmentin general (r = 0.53, p < 0.01) and its components, including affective, normative, and continued commitment (r = 0.55, r = 0.51, r = 0.51, p < 0.01 respectively). Findings. The results of the study show that both TMX and LMX are directly correlated with the organizational commitment of employees, but the relationship with the leader is the best predictor of organizational commitment. In addition, both types of relationships directly correlate with affective, normative, and continued commitment. In this case, LMX is better predicts the continued commitment than TMX, but prediction of affective commitment is lower. LMX is better predicts the continued commitment than TMX, but prediction ofaffective commitment is lower. In addition, the presence of one of two types of relationships reducesthe predictive effect of the second type of relationship on the organizational commitment of employees. The value of the results. The results can provide the specific guidelines for developing strategies to enhance the components of organizational commitment, depending on employees characteristics. The article proposes personal and organizational strategies to strengthen the commitment of workers in general and the individual components of commitment in particular.
Purpose. The aim of the study is to determine the role of emotional intelligence in the performance of an HR manager. Research design. At the first stage of the research the level of emotional intelligence formation is defined in the group of HR managers working in Nizhny Novgorod business companies (N =161) using the test of emotional intelligence, developed by E. A. Sergienko and E. A. Khlevnaya. At the second stage the views of HR managers (N = 49) on the role of emotional intelligence in their performance are revealed by using the questionnaire. Results. Diagnosis of emotional intelligence reveals that the average level of emotional intelligence formation is typical for the HR managers. Meanwhile, subjects with high and low levels are also distributed around the middle level. The average level of emotional intelligence and the lack of correlation with professional experience and career growth suggest that in modern conditions the influence of emotional intelligence on the efficiency of HR managers has decreased. The probable reasons for this are the automation and computerization of workflows that have reduced the share and importance of direct HR contacts withemployees of the organization. According to the survey results, HR managers highly appreciate the role of emotional intelligence in professional activities. At the same time, they are not fully aware of the difference between emotional intelligence and other types of intellectual abilities and the role of its individual structural elements. According to HR managers, emotional intelligence is necessary whilesolving a wide range of professional tasks, most of which are related to the performance of traditional functional duties: recruitment, training and motivation of personnel. Comparison of the results of diagnosis of emotional intelligence formation and the assessment of its role in professional activity reveals a “gap” between them. There are two possible explanations: 1) the high assessment by HR managers of the role of emotional intelligence relies on traditional ideas about the content and means of performing this activity and does not fully reflect the changes occurring in it; 2) the average level of emotional intelligence formation is the result of its lack of development by using training programs.The value of the results. Can be used in professional counseling, in the selection and training of HR.
- Organizational psychology in practice
Purpose. The research is aimed at conceptual foundation and elaboration of applicable methods of ecosystem approach to teams labour assessment of prospective industrial projects. Unfavourable external environmental challenges as well as restricted financial and economic resources demand from Russian industrial enterprises rapid and systematic efforts in order to preserve and develop the industrial sphere in which our country is holding leadership role across the world. The research concept. The dynamic advance of product and technology innovations demanded today is unimaginable without innovations in management system. Business ecosystems are one of such innovations actively implemented in worldwide industry. The production cycle of an innovative industry core product is extremely complex and includes a quantity of functional directions and stages. Despite the fact that theproject approach is considered to be an innovation in Russian industry, a lot of business is done by project teams such as collecting and analysing the requirements, creating projects, construction, production preparation, verification, validation and service support of the innovative industrial product; the project teams consist of the company’s staff, partners, research organisations etc. Thus, a business ecosystem of project teams which are engaged in creation and promotion of innovations appears. The hypothesis of the research is based on the possibility of theoretical and empirical consideration of teams labour assessment of prospective industrial projects as an ecosystem of evaluation business processes. The R. Vidgen and X. F. Wang research (2006) became an evidence base for business processes ecosystem interpretation as well as the conceptual analysis of the assessment ecosystem correspondence with basic business ecosystem features such as multisubjectiveness, narrow specialisation of the subjects, coherence, integrity, systemising centre, the possibility of open communications, ability to co-evolve. The value of the results. A number of business processes of assessment ecosystem has been formulated including the assessment of the project results and its stages, the assessment of individual efficiency in teams, the assessment of the team members potential as well as the potential of the whole team. The following methods of business processes implementation has been proposed such as competency and role model of team members, check-lists of project results assessment and team readiness assessment.
Purpose. The research discusses the specifics of the socio-psychological adaptation of young project engineers. The analysis of the results of studies conducted earlier allowed the authors to identify the distinctive aspirations of the modern representatives of the “millennials” generation tobe “better, more successful, more professional”, as well as the main reasons for the turnover of young professionals — the inattentive attitude of experienced staff towards them and the lack of compelling tasks. Study design. The research, consisting of three stages, is devoted to the study of the indicators of the professional sphere and the personality sphere of young specialists of an engineering company and the evaluation of the effectiveness of the coaching plan with elements of health preservation. The authors’ project is aimed at optimization of the process of social and psychological adaptation at the stage of adjustment to the professional activity of young specialists, which constitutes the relevance of this work. The sampling included 20 young female engineers at the age of 24–26 years and having work experience in an engineering company from one to three years. Psychodiagnostics of the studied parameters was carried out using a set of standard methods. The obtained data were subjected to qualitative analysis and mathematical-statistical processing with the calculation of Student’s t-test. Findings. The results of the initial psychodiagnostics have established the following: preference of a technical field of activity and intellectual personal type, the normal values of the scales of adaptability, the difference in the anxiety level from the test norm. A psychological follow-up project was tested at the second stage, and the comparative indicators of the subjects’ personality sphere proved its effectiveness. Implications for practice. Recommendations about ways to build effective communication between young and qualified employees of a team (stage 3 of the study) have been developed. We found controversial issues that are of interest for further research on this topic. The results of the study may be useful to professionals who coach or lead the adaptation of the employees.
- Reviews
The purpose of this article: to generalize and systematize the study of organizational identification and its role in the situation of organizational change. Approach. The article considers the concept of “organizational identification” and approaches to its study: social constructionism, the theory of social identity, the theory of social self-categorization, the theory of the socialactor, including external attribution of action and external attribution of intentionality, as well as functionalist, psychodynamic and postmodernist approaches (He, 2013). It focuses separately on the foci of organizational identification (identification with the organization and identification with the working group) in a situation of change, their predictors. The focus is on the interrelation of two foci of organizational identification with factors of readiness for organizational change: organizational support, assessment of the valence of change, relevance of change, and assessment of self-efficacy. The role of organizational identification in a situation of change in creating readiness or resistance to changeis analyzed. Findings. Individual attitudes and behavior (intention to quit and extra-role behavior) and group parameters (communication climate and strategic consensus) demonstrate differences in the relationship with the two focuses of organizational identification. This gives us reason to assume that psychological readiness for organizational changes, viewed as an individual setting, will be associated with organizational identification and identification with the working group in different ways. Thus, a high level of organizational identification can both increase willingness to change and reduce it. Managers need to avoid developing a sense of threat to the employee’s identity in a situation of changeso that the willingness to change remains high. The value of the results. Outlined directions for further research lie in the following areas: an empirical test of assumptions about the positive relationship of identification with the organization and readiness for organizational change; empirical testing of the assumption about the negative connection of identification with the working group and readinessfor organizational changes; study of the contribution of identification with the organization and identification with the working group in the formation of readiness for organizational change.
- First Steps
Purpose. The paper is aimed to study the level of burnout and its relations to personal resources in librarians of Moscow region. Method. The sample is comprised of 504 respondents, ranging from 17 to 72 years old. The most of the participants is women (96%). To measure burnout, a model proposed by V. Shaufeli and S. Desart was used. The main constructs of personal resources were optimism, hardiness and self-efficacy. As the main method of analysis, multi-level regression was used,which is the most preferable when analyzing clustered data, so that the contribution of any variablesis not overestimated. As a preliminary analysis, a measurement model of burnout was validated using confirmatory factor analysis (with first and second order factors). Findings. It was shown, that the respondents’ level of burnout is quite low, personal resources are strongly and negatively related to burnout (rs = – .64, p < .01). The effect of personal resources varies across libraries (β = – .08, 95% CI[– .04; – .12]), however, is the same amongst rural and urban library workers (β = .03, 95% CI [– .15;.21]). In addition to personal resources, age was a significant predictor of the level of burnout (β = – .10,95% CI [– .18; – .02]), while the work experience turned out to be insignificant. Value of the results. In conclusion, the results of the paper are discussed with previous studies, as well as the possibility of professional development of librarians, considering their psychological state.
- Conferences
On November 14–15, 2019, the All-Russian (National) Scientific-Practical Conference “Psychology of Personnel Management and Social Entrepreneurship in the Context of Changing Technological Mode” will be held in Nizhny Novgorod.
- Literary guide
Information about the 20 most cited and 20 most recent articles about organizational commitment have been collected from the Web of Science database. All publications have been found in the interdisciplinary fields of psychology. The search was performed on the query “organizational commitment” in the themes of English-speaking publications within the following areas: management, applied psychology, organizational and occupational psychology. All data act trivial at the time June 19, 2019.