Organizational Psychology |
Editorial officeAddress: 20, Myasnitskaya, 101000 Moscow, Russia
Vol. 11.
No. 2.
P. 6–7
[issue contents]
We present our journal’s new edition Issue #2, 2021.
The section «Research in organizational psychology» contains four articles. Theoretical and methodological problems of organizational psychology are raised in an article by St. Petersburg psychologists L. G. Pochebut, V. A. Chiker, N. V. Volkova, S. D. Gurieva «Inconsistency of social-psychological effects of organizational social capital consolidation». The results of the study of resources for overcoming professional stress in pedagogical activity are described in the article by T. Kulikova «Time managementas a determinant of stress resistance among the modern secondary school teachers». The emotional aspects of the professional activity of doctors are discussed in two English-language articles by our foreign colleagues from India — «Impact of emotional intelligence on organizational performance in the health sector during COVID-19: mediating role of psychological resilience» by S. Panigrahi, S. Mohanty — and colleagues from Iran — «Effects of Acceptance and Commitment Training on the Reduction of Burnout in Clinical Specialist Residents» by S. Kalani, P. Azadfallah, H. Oreyzi, R. Azizkhani, P. Adibi. The «Organizational Psychology in Practice» part contains an article by a team of authors from the Higher School of Economics, attracting the attention of readers to the effectiveness of corporate health-saving programs: «Worksite Wellness Programs as a Part of Corporate Culture: A Research on Attitudes of Employees in Russian Companies» by O. Khoreva, E. Tarasenko, E. Ivanova. In the “Reviews” we discuss new trends in the labor market with profound psychological implications. This topic is raised in the article “Precarious employment psychology: formation of subject area, main problems and approaches to their study” by A. Diomin. In the section “First steps” you will find two articles. Professional vitality became the focus of research in the article by O. Plyushcheva and A. Makhnach “Resilience of a specialist in a helping professionin an organizational environment”. The problem of antisocial creativity is raised by the article “Featuresof malevolent creativity and emotional intelligence in police officers depending on education and length ofservice” by M. Bochkova, V. Shapovalova, N. Meshkova, S. Enikolopov. New aspects in the process of career self-determination are offered in the «Organizational psychology in dialogues and discussions» part for consideration and discussion in the academic community by a team of authors consisting of N. Karlovskaya, E. Kamneva, E. Morgunov, M. Polevaya, N. Pryazhnikov in their article «The principle of "cyclicality" in career and personal self-determination». Please, enjoy the reading!