Organizational Psychology |
Editorial officeAddress: 20, Myasnitskaya, 101000 Moscow, Russia
Vol. 12.
No. 3.
P. 7–8
[issue contents]
We present our journal’s new edition Issue No. 3, 2022.
The section «Research in Organizational Psychology» is represented by four articles by our foreign colleagues — authors from India, Jordan and Pakistan. The propensity factors of university employees are studied in the article by S. Altahat and Y. Alsafadi “How ethical leadership and incivilitytolerance affect intention to sabotage at Jordanian universities?” The relationship between the fulfillment of the psychological contract and organizational civic behavior of employees turned out to be the focus of the research attention of the authors of the article “Perceived organisational support as a mediator of the relationship between psychological contract and organisational citizenship behaviour” — S. Mohanty and S. Panigrahi. The interest of researchers U. Zafar and A. Mahmud attracted the phenomenon of ostracismin labor collectives, which they described in their article «Role of workplace ostracism and self-esteemon workplace deviance.» The problem of job satisfaction among representatives of emotional labor israised in their article “Mediating role of deep and surface acting between display rules and job satisfaction among customer services representatives” by A. Adil, A. Kamal and I. Ghulam. In the section «Organizational psychology in practice» you will find two articles presentingqualitative and quantitative approaches in organizational psychology. The topic of mistakes made by young specialists in the workplace is touched upon by K. V. Barannikov and F. S. Ismagilova in the article “Interaction between managers and young professionals about their professional mistakes: An analysis using the focus group method”. The relationship between organizational social capital and commitment among Pakistani bank employees is traced by an international team of authors consisting of N. V. Volkova,M. B. Shahzada, V. A. Chiker and L. G. Pochebut in the article “How can organizational social capitalcontribute to commitment profiles: evidence from Pakistani financial firms.” V. I. Kabalina and A. V. Makarova reveal a wide panorama of the study of the phenomenon of personnel angagement in their article “Employee engagement: systematization of approaches to the definition andmeasurement” in the “Reviews” section. The section “First steps” is presented by the article “Adaptation of the work alienation measurement questionnaire for the russian-speaking sampling” by A. A. Kozhina and L. V. Vinokurov. The section “Organizational psychology in dialogues, discussions” contains an article by N. A. Chernyavskaya, O. A. Usacheva, N. Yu. Temnikova, N. G. Meshchanova, E. A. Filippova “Communicative and psychological portrait of a female leader." ”The “Literary Guide” section is represented by the article “A holistic view of unethicalpro-organizational behavior: A literature review” by Chinese authors A. Hushk, Ch. Zhentian, Y. Hui. Please, enjoy the reading!