2023 т. 13 no 1
- Pages
We present our journal’s new edition Issue No. 1, 2023. The «Research in Organizational Psychology» section is represented by four articles. An article bya large team of Moscow authors led by S. Russkikh is devoted to identifying organizational factors that affect the development of burnout syndrome in oncologists based on the assessment and comparative analysis of the severity of this syndrome in two groups of oncologists providing medical care on anoutpatient basis and in hospitals of medical organizations. The study of the ratio of the effectiveness of production groups and the informal subgroups existing in them was the goal of the study presentedin the article by A. Sidorenkov and W. Stroh. The study of Turkish authors B. Üzüm and O. Özkan was aimed at determining the influence of responsible leadership on Machiavellianism and «the tendency to imitate deviant organizational behavior.» Relationship of ethical leadership, satisfaction of employees with work and their involvement in work has become the subject of research by a team of authors from Indonesia, headed by R. Ramlawati. Under the heading «Organizational psychology in practice» you will find an article by a team of authors from both Russian capitals led by S. Manichev, which describes in detail the psychometric development of the Russian version of the Job Crafting Scale. The theme of burnout sounds in the next two sections of this issue. An article by St. Petersburgauthors headed by O. Gofman, which presents the results of a theoretical analysis of the features ofthe professional activity of specialists in the field of information technology, which increase the risk of developing burnout syndrome in them. And the «First Steps» section is opened by the article by I. Bulgakov, whose research focus was onthe relationship between the burnout of employees of Russian organizations and their satisfaction witht heir close interpersonal relationships in marriage (registered or not). The second article in this columnis devoted to finding an answer to the question of how organizational socialization affects the sensitivity to equity and proactive behavior. The article is presented by Turkish authors S. Çakir and Ö. Işcan. In the section «Organizational psychology in dialogues and discussions» you will find two articles. In one of them, the authors V. Tolochek and A. Mashkova, using the example of studying the competencies, personality traits and characteristics of business communication styles of low-leveland middle-level managers, discuss «open questions» (difficulties, problems, inconsistency of analyticaland integrative approaches), new approaches and methods for solving scientific and applied problems are proposed. The second article of an international team of authors from Malaysia and Pakistan is devoted to finding an answer to the question, when do employees become agents of change? The focus of researchers is the deployment of a mechanism that promotes behavior that supports organizational change. The section «Conferences» contains an information letter about the upcoming XIV All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation «ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY:PEOPLE AND RISKS», which will be held in Saratov on April 27-28, 2023. Please, enjoy the reading!
- Research in organizational psychology
Purpose. The purpose of the paper is to identify organizational factors influencing the development of the emotional burnout in oncologists based on the assessment and comparative analysis of the severity of the emotional burnout among two groups of oncologists (providing medicalcare on an inpatient and outpatient basis). Methodology. The article is based on a quantitative sociological study. The respondents were 100 doctors of the oncological service in Moscow, of which 50 oncologists carried out their professional activities in outpatient medical organization (А group) and 50 oncologists worked in inpatient medical organization (В group). These two groups of doctors differed statistically in their profile of activity: in the А-group there were significantly more representatives of the therapeutic profile, in the В group — surgical profile. Results. 56% and 62% of the respondents of the А and B groups had a high and extremely high degree of the emotional burnout growth, 38% and 60% of specialists noted satisfaction with the work process, respectively. When assessing the relationship between the severity of the professional emotional burnout and its individual phases with the level of satisfaction with various components of the work process in the study and control groups, a noticeable statistically significant correlation was revealed for the overall level of job satisfaction, satisfaction with wages in comparison with other organizations, wage fairness, career opportunities, growth, leadership style of the boss. Findings. Assessment, prevention and treatment of emotional burnout should be carried out among doctors working both in hospitals and outpatient clinics. Special attention should be paid to young doctors, as well as to doctors with work experience of 20 yearsor more. The main measures to control this state should be aimed at creating a fair and transparent system of remuneration, individualizing the amount of incentive payments, creating opportunities for professional and career growth of employees, training the heads of functional departments in the basics of organizational management. The value of the results. As part of the study, the authors forthe first time introduced a comparative analysis of the severity of emotional burnout in oncologists providing medical care on an outpatient basis and in hospitals of medical organizations. The results obtained make it possible to identify ways to improve the management of medical personnel to develop measures to prevent and reduce the level of professional emotional burnout among oncologists.
Purpose. The aim of the study is to explore the relationship between the effectiveness of production groups and the informal subgroups existing in them, namely: the relationship between the number of informal subgroups in groups and two types of group effectiveness — performance and social. Study design. The sample includes 78 groups from different organizations and with different content of professional activity, and the total number of participants is 655 people. To identify informal subgroups, a special formalized algorithm was used, and two author’s questionnaires were used to study group effectiveness. The leaders and members of the groups according to two indicators (implementation of the plan and tasks, performance success in challenging conditions) assessed the performance of the group separately. Socio-psychological efficiency was also measured by two indicators (group satisfaction and psychological comfort of members in the group) based on employee ratings. An empirical study was carried out on personal computers using the program “Group Profile— Universal”. Findings. It was found that both indicators of the socio-psychological effectiveness of subgroups are significantly higher than these indicators of groups. Statistically significant differences between performance (according to two indicators) of subgroups and groups were not found. However, there is a tendency for subgroups to have a higher rate of fulfillment of the plan and tasks compared to groups. The number of subgroups in groups is significantly negatively related to the satisfaction of employees with their group, and creates an indirect negative effect on two indicators of the performance of groups, which is moderated (mediated) by the satisfaction of group members. The number of informal subgroups also mediates the relationship between group size and group membersatisfaction. In other words, an increase in group size leads to an increase in the number of subgroups, which, in turn, reduces the satisfaction of members with their group as a whole. Values of results. The effectiveness of subgroups in some aspects is higher than the effectiveness of groups, and the numberof informal subgroups creates direct and indirect effects on group effectiveness. The article indicatesseveral promising directions for further research on the role of informal subgroups in the effectiveness of production groups and management teams.
Is it possible to see a livable world from a corporate social responsibility perspective? It canbe possible to find the answer for this question through responsible leadership since corporate social responsibility is managed by responsible leaders and the need for responsible leaders is increasing day by day in the 21st century. Purpose. This research aims to determine the effect of responsible leadership on Machiavellianism and organizational broken windows, and to examine the moderating role of responsible leadership in the relationship between Machiavellian behaviors of employees and organizational broken windows, based on theories of corporate social responsibility and self-regulation. Methodology. Therefore, a quantitative method was preferred in the research and a questionnaire form was used as a data collection tool. Participants are employees who are not in a managerial position at a manufacturing enterprise in Istanbul. Voluntarily, 218 participants gave support to the research with the simple random sampling method. Data were analyzed by using SPSS Statistics 25.0 and SmartPLS 3.3.7 software. The relationship between the variables in the research were measured by “Structural equation modeling based on the partial least squares method”. The scale used in the research were subjected to reliability and validity tests at the measurement model stage. In the structural model analysis, the research model and hypotheses were tested to reveal the direction of relations of the latent variables. Findings. In the consequence of the analysis, Machiavellianism has positive effect on organizational broken windows while responsible leadership has negative impact on Machiavellianism and organizational broken windows. Whereas, it was detected that responsible leadership has a regulatory role in the relation between Machiavellianism and organizational broken windows.
Purpose. This research aims to investigates whether and how ethical leadership influences themediator variables (employees’ job satisfaction and job engagement) in the organization context. It alsoexamines how the mediators should influence employees’ organizational commitment. Study design. Allthe participants in the recent study are Indonesian workers who are active in the private sector, which invited them to fill out an online survey. This online survey was carried out using Google Forms. Various control and filter questions were anonymous, and random constructs were carried out to avoid bias and ensure the survey was valid. The initial empirical data were gathered from convenience sample involving 690 employees who work on financial sector. This study applied multi-item scales to all the constructs from prior studies for the concepts of ethical leadership, employee job satisfaction, job engagement, and employee commitment. A professional translator reviewed all the instruments. Subsequently, this study conducts a pilot test of the measurement items to ensure the final formal survey. Demographic parameters such as gender, age, education, and period of experience as employees were included in the questionnaire. Structural equation modeling was used to test the research hypotheses. Findings. The empirical results indicate that ethical leadership has significant and positive effects on employees’ job satisfaction and engagement. Furthermore, employees’ job satisfaction and job engagement havepartial mediators between ethical leadership and employees’ organizational commitment. Implications for practice. The result of this study can practitioners, regulators, and researchers an insight to observe the dynamic behavior to elaborate on the impact of ethical leadership in business and psychology. The managers need to build ethical standards in the workplace. As well as provide clear rules of the organization system, which possibly influence workers’ job satisfaction, engagement, and organizational commitment. The current study was limited to the private organization; there is a future need to study workers across the culture and region. The values of results. This study contributes to managers’ ethicalor unethical leadership behavior and ethical climate theory literature and, specifically, the decisionmaking process through developing and testing a model of employees’ organizational commitment. This study also provides new insights into the determinants of these variables and employees’ organizational commitment towards job satisfaction and engagement.
- Organizational psychology in practice
Purpose. The article presents theoretical basis and psychometric properties of the Russian version of the Job Crafting Scale. Job crafting is a particular type of proactive work behavior via which workers initiate changes in the demands and the resources of their jobs in line with their own preferences. Various forms of such behavior reflect the level of personal and organizational resources,the severity of job demands and predict various indicators of performance and well-being at work.Methodology. The development and validation of the Russian version of the scale was carried out onthe basis of studies conducted in St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Ulyanovsk and other cities in Russia. The total number of respondents N = 1060 employed in transport, manufacturing, services, trade and other areas, aged 18 to 70. Findings. The results of the confirmatory factor analysis confirm the four factorstructure of the scale with the following factors: increasing structural job resources; increasing social job resources; increasing challenging job demands, and decreasing hindering job demands. Scale reliability was found to be satisfactory. Сonvergent validity was demonstrated by the means of correlation analysis, which showed significant relationships with work engagement measured with the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES) and the scales of psychological capital by A. Bakker. Invariance analysis demonstrated the stability of the four-factor structure, i.e. metric invariance was confirmed. Value of results. Based on the results of the analysis, the authors propose the Russian version of the Job Crafting Scale as a diagnostic tool suitable for assessment of different types of job crafting behavior which can be used to predict promotion vs prevention focus of self-regulation of work behavior and toassess proactivity of work teams in conditions of variability in the organizational environment.
- Reviews
The article presents the results of a theoretical analysis of the features of the professional activity of IT specialists in the context of the risks of burnout syndrome. Burnout is considered as asystemic quality of the subject of labor, having a three-component structure (subfactors: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, reduced personal accomplishment). Burnout syndrome is formed due to the interaction of the subject of labor with stress at work. Burnout manifests itself in negative mental states, attitudes, self-relation, personal accomplishment, and work. Purpose. The purpose ofthis study was a theoretical review of modern publications on the problem of burnout syndrome of IT and the definition of determinants of IT professional burnout. The analytical method is used in thework. Results. In modern research, there is no unambiguous answer about the specifics of IT specialist’s burnout: according to some authors, burnout by the subfactor emotional exhaustion and reduction of personal accomplishment is characteristic for IT specialists, according to others — depersonalization (cynicism). Obviously, the revealed differences in the typology of burnout of IT specialists are related to the variety of IT professions that need to be considered when assessing the severity of individual burnout subfactors. Three groups of determinants of IT specialists’ burnout are presented: personal (gender, age, lifestyle, psychological readiness for professional activity, attitude to professional activity), professional (high learning requirements, combination of team and functional roles, high uncertainty — unpredictability of work tasks, illusions of flexible schedule, remote communication, occupational diseases), organizational (virtual organization, specifics of remote personnel management). Thus, ananalysis of the literature on the problem of burnout confirmed the multifactorial and poly-deterministic nature of burnout syndrome, as well as the presence of specific features and risk factors of burnout for the IT profession.
- First Steps
Purpose. The aim of the research is to identify the relationship between marriage satisfaction (registered, cohabitation, etc.) and the level of emotional burnout of employees in organizations. Study design. The research was carried out online using a survey, including questions to determine the level of burnout and the level of satisfaction with their marriage (official or unofficial) among the respondents. The sample was purposively expert: the employees of Russian business organizations aged 20 to 69 (43% of them were aged 20 to 29, 34% were aged 30 to 39, 17% were aged 40 to 49, 5% were aged 50 to 59, 1% were aged 60 to 69) of different genders (120 women and 83 men) with different marital statuses (N = 203) (107 married, 87 in unregistered relations, nine in divorced status). Results. Aninverse relationship was revealed between the level of burnout at work and marital satisfaction among the employees. The relationship was most evident in relation to burnout parameters: depersonalization and psycho-emotional exhaustion. At the same time, an increase in professional success was explained by an increase in satisfaction with personal relationships. Separate effects were found in the group of employees with «divorced» status. Conclusions. Findings confirm the relationship between marital satisfaction and burnout among the employees of organizations. The results of the research canbecome a useful supplement for further research of the phenomenon and can also help to understand the specifics of employees’ burnout and ways to communicate with them.
Purpose. The key purpose of this study was to assess the role of psychological empowerment perception in the effect of organizational socialization on equity sensitivity and proactive behavior. The terms subjected to this study were reviewed within the context of the relevant literature and investigated to which extent they were interrelated. Study design. A research model was developed based on theliterature review, if organizational socialization practices might boost the level of equity sensitivity and proactive behavior of employees through positive psychological empowerment perception. The data from 261 employees working at A Plus Hospital and Hotel Management Service were analyzed using relevant statistical analysis techniques to test the model. Findings. The findings revealed that organizational socialization practices influence employees’ equity sensitivity and proactive behavior, with the psychological empowerment perception serving as a mediating factor in these relationships.
- Organizational psychology in dialogues and discussions
Prupose. The article is devoted to the analysis of methodological and organizational aspects of scientific research in modern organizations. On the example of studying the competencies, personality traits and characteristics of business communication styles of managers — leaders of the grassroots and middle management, “open questions” are discussed (difficulties, problems, inconsistencies in analytical and integrative approaches), new approaches and methods for solving scientific and applied tasks. Method. The following methods have been used: analysis of literary sources; psychodiagnostics (USK based on the J. Rotter’s Locus of Control Scale and R. Cattell’s 16PF tests), research methods for studying competencies and styles of business communication; modeling optionsfor the analysis of empirical data bases; correlation and factor analysis. The research base is employeesof commercial companies in Moscow (N = 71). Results. Implementing the integrative approach, two variants of statistical calculations were used: 1) optimal (rational) and 2) formal; preference is given tothe optimal. In total six competency factors, six factors of business communication style components were identified; and ten factors — when analyzing the data of psychodiagnostics methods. In all three cases, the coefficients of the values of objects were also identified — EC (coefficients of the measure of severity of each factor identified for each surveyed), for the analysis of which, subsequently, factor analysis was also used, as a result of which ten integral factors were identified (68.8% of the explainedvariance), generalizing evaluation of patterns of competencies, components of communication styles, personality traits of each of the surveyed managers, revealing the social roles and functions of the subjects of joint activities. The status in R&D of the final COs obtained, i.e., integral assessments of subjects in the space of three groups of empirical data, is discussed. Conclusions. The working hypotheses were confirmed. 1. Reproduction in field studies of full compliance with all formal requirements for the organization of research is not always possible. The use of extensive means (increasing the sample size, using many techniques) does not lead to reliable results. 2. The statistics obtained in the processes of research (averages, correlation coefficients, etc.), the measure of explained dispersion, the number of factors identified, combinations of empirical data, groupings of subjects should be considered as “reference points” in solving scientific and scientific and practical problems. 3. Rarely used statistics (CO — coefficients of values of objects), associated with the procedures of statistical calculations and often used (loading variables on the factor), can act as complementary and explaining the features of the evolution and functioning of the studied fragments social reality.
Purpose. Organizational change does not always have just negative repercussions but alsohave positive implications. Drawing on job demands-resources (JD-R) model, this study aims to examinethe effects of empowering leadership on employees’ change supportive behavior through job crafting behavior, a relationship that is moderated by hope. Study design. Data was collected from bank staffof one of the leading banks in Pakistan that is going through major techno-structural change by crosssectional means. We distributed 342 questionnaires and collected 211 in return; the final sample size was 203. In corresponding sample, 84% of the respondents were male; about 47% of them found inage between 26–35 years old, while 34% had experience of 5–10 years comprising the highest bracket.The questionnaire comprised of multi-dimensional facets of empowering leadership and job crafting, and one-dimensional aspect of hope and change supportive behavior. PLS-SEM approach was opted tomake inferences and estimations of the proposed model. Findings. Consistent with our expectations, the result shows that empowering leadership positively predicts employees’ change supportive behavior. Italso reveals that the relationship between empowering leadership and change supportive behavior is mediated by job crafting. Furthermore, hope moderates the relationship between empowering leadershipand job crafting. Value of the results. The study offers fresh theoretical, empirical, and practical insights into the existing body of change literature. It contributes to the research on organizational change by addressing multiple perspectives in a single study by simultaneously examining the person and context factors and activation phenomenon to unfold one’s behavioral support for change.
- Conferences
The purpose of the Conference: a reflection of organizational changes, new ideas and approaches in the work of Russian organizational psychologists in the conditions of SVO. Areas of work of the Conference: — New approaches, methods of work and research of organizational psychologists in industrial enterprises. — New approaches, methods of work and research of organizational psychologists in business organizations. — New research, problems and solutions in organizations of various profiles. — Training of organizational psychologists to work in the conditions of SVO: problems and solutions. — Theoretical and methodological issues of the formation and development of Russian organizational psychology.