2012 т. 2 no 3
- Pages
- Research in organizational psychology
In this article we analyze recent approaches to the job satisfaction research, consider the theoretical models and attempts of the constructions diagnostic tools created on their basis. Then, we suggest our own theoretical model of the structure of the job satisfaction based on allocation of three groups of components: social, organizational and personal. The model was tested in Russian major energetic company. 4708 different positions workers participated the study. The process of development and construction of Job Satisfaction Components Questionnaire (JSCQ) and approbation of the scales are described. |
Personality resources of coping with an organizational conflict (time perspective, hardiness, and selfefficacy) have been considered in the article. 158 (85 women and 73 men), workers with different managerial experience, participated in our research. The results allows us to suggest that time perspective focused on the future is connected with cognitive coping strategies. Past-negative time perspective involves a selection of the least adaptive strategies. Our research testifies that hardiness and its components – commitment and control, have a positive connection with adaptive and relatively adaptive variants of cognitive, emotional and behavioural strategies and a negative correlation with non-adaptive strategies. Challenge is negatively connected with the choice of adaptive behavioural coping strategy. Our research indicates that self-efficacy of workers in a situation of an organizational conflict has a positive correlation with adaptive variants of cognitive, emotional and behavioural strategies and a negative connection with their non-adaptive variants. Moreover, it has been revealed that there are significant differences in the choice of coping strategies of workers according to managerial experience: senior managers choose cognitive strategies. Results of investigation of the connection between personality resources and the choice of coping strategies in an organizational conflict can be used in psychodiagnostics and business-counseling. |
- Reviews
Ratings from the assessment center method show considerable evidence of construct validity to measure managerial performance dimensions. Analyses of post-exercise dimension ratings demonstrate the effects of performance dimensions, as well as the effects of specific simulation exercises. Analyses of final dimension ratings aggregated across exercises show correlations with expected cognitive ability, related personality characteristics, and performance on related job criteria. This article summarizes very recent studies as well as historical evidence. |
The aim of this article is to give a contextual description of personnel selection in Europe, and to highlight some typical features and recent trends in practice and research. We begin with describing the socioeconomic environment in which European personnel selection is embedded. Next, we take a closer look at the institutional settings in which personnel selection takes place and its underlying principles. Consequently we review and discuss recent empirical evidence on selection practices and methods, and interpret observed characteristics in terms of contextual differences. Looking at recent changes in the European organizational environment, we note that selection practices exhibit a certain degree of conservatism, and that selection research and theory are slow in addressing new issues. The lack of responsiveness to the changing context is attributed to a continued adherence to the ‘‘right man in the right place’’ paradigm. As an alternative paradigm we propose the ‘‘theatre model’’ of selection, which seems more suitable to tune personnel selection to current contextual demands. Finally, we present a view of the future agenda for European selection research. |
- Organizational psychology in practice
During November 2011 – May of 2012 an author of this guidance was the interim-manager of one of the Ukrainian holdings. Among the tasks of project there was optimization of institute of tutorship. For its decision operating regulations and procedures, related to the processes of tutorship, were studied, reasons of early discharges are analysed. The got results allowed to define the problem field of input of employees in position, feature of actual and future strategic necessities of holding in personnel. On the basis of vision for the desirable future were geared-up and conducted trainings for the employees of department of personnel as well as company' managers, the purpose of which was forming of the new going near tutorship as complex system with the considerable stake of influence of the psychological phenomena and conformities to law. All necessary documents providing implementation of new approach, were also geared-up: «Position about adaptation», «Guidance for a tutor», «Post instructions», «Form of tasks of employee on a probation period», «Form of estimation of success of passing of probation period», «Reminder for a point-of-sale representative», etc. On completion of training for tutors this Guidance was presented as supporting material helping to make a structure of activity and to become a Tutor in a proper manner. |
- Conferences
- Literary guide