2016 т. 6 no 2
- Pages
We are glad to introduce our readers to new issue of Organizational Psychology Journal. The current issue starts from the article «Work–life balance in Russian production enterprise employees» by A. Mospan, E. Osin, T. Ivanova, E. Rasskazova, V. Bobrov (International Laboratory of Positive Psychology of Personality and Motivation, HSE). The article presents a theoretical analysis of approaches to work– life balance research and findings of an empirical study of this construct in a large sample of employees of a Russian production enterprise situated in six regions of the country. Using confirmatory factor analysis, authors developed 11 short scales reflecting different types of work–life relationship (balance, conflict, negative spillover, positive spillover, compensation, independence). This research opens up that work–life balance was more positively evaluated by females, older respondents, those with higher education and position, and higher family income. A balanced distribution of priorities and efforts was an essential predictor of well–being in working males. Working females reported higher well–being when they viewed work as a life priority, but invested efforts in family and their own health. In the «Practice in Organizational Psychology» section we offer the article by Liudmila Aksenovskaya «Change of organizational culture at the level of the leader: experience of individual sotering». This article is devoted to the problem of organizational culture (OC) change by the method of sotering, paper briefly presents theoretical aspects of the order approach to OC change, concept and technology of sotering as a method of OC change. Also the fragment of the protocol of individual training on a sotering for the leader of the organization is presented and analyzed. The article «Psychological readiness for organizational change: approaches, concepts, methods» by Е. Naumtseva is presented in the «Reviews» section. It deals with the concept of «psychological readiness» on different levels of analysis (individual, group, organization), different approaches to understanding readiness for organizational change are analyzed. There are described and compared in terms of strengths and weaknesses of diagnostic techniques readiness assessment applicable in the context of the study and implementation of organizational change, such as «Readiness to organizational change», «Organizational readiness for implementing change», «Organizational Change Questionnaire — Climate of Change, Processes, and Readiness», «Styles of response to changes» and others. The «First steps» section includes two papers: «Components of burnout and coping strategies among call center operators» by E. Bochkareva and «Leadership behavior for business success: Differences across organizational (position) levels» by O. Vovna and A. Klimov. In the «Conferences» section you can find information about upcoming international scientific and practical conferences on organizational psychology. A review of the book by Frederik Lalu «Reinventing Organizations: A Guide to Creating Organizations Inspired by the Next Stage of Human Consciousness» and our traditional editorial note about the 20 most cited and 20 most recent articles on Work–Life Balance (WLB) is covered the issue
- Research in organizational psychology
Purpose. The paper presents a theoretical analysis of approaches to work-life balance research and findings of an empirical study of this construct in a sample of employees of a Russian production enterprise (N = 1205) situated in six regions of the country. Methodology. The survey relied on two approaches to work-life balance operationalization, a direct subjective evaluation of work-life relationships and an evaluation of importance, effort invested, and satisfaction across six life spheres (work, family, hobbies, socialization, health, and education). The dependent variables included life satisfaction, work engagement, emotional burnout, and workaholism. Using confirmatory factor analysis, we developed 11 short scales reflecting different types of work-life relationship (balance, conflict, negative spillover, positive spillover, compensation, independence). The scales were sufficiently reliable for research purposes. Predictable weak to moderate associations with dependent variables indicated convergent validity of the new subjective work-life balance scales. Work-life balance was more positively evaluated by females, older respondents, those with higher education and position, and higher family income. Using hierarchical regression analysis, we found a number of gender differences in the associations of subjective balance and other dependent variables with the distribution of priorities and efforts across the six life spheres, revealing different approaches to positive work-life balance in working males and females. A balanced distribution of priorities and efforts was an essential predictor of well-being in working males. Working females reported higher well-being when they viewed work as a life priority, but invested efforts in family and their own health.
- Organizational psychology in practice
This article is devoted to the problem of organizational culture (OC) change by the method of sotering. We present: 1) theoretical aspects of the order approach to OC change, 2) concept and technology of sotering as a method of OC change, 3) analysis of the concrete case of the application of an individual sotering with the leader of the organization (element “Will”). The order technology provides formation or development of three basic suborders of organizational culture — “family” (emotional and values unity of the organization), “army” (goal unity) and “church” (sense unity). Working with one suborder is carried out within a year at three levels: level of leader, level of management team and level of organization. According to order approach, the key to OC change is the organizational leader personality. The fragment of the protocol of individual training on a sotering for the leader of the organization, where the order project (element “Will”) was begun, is presented and analyzed. The technology of a sotering is described by the model of a “soteriological circle, which includes six elements: attention, will, belief, vision, time, power. Training program, exercises for the autodiagnostics and autocorrection of will, results of exercises are described in details, records of discussions of significant questions, related to the “Will” with the subject of a sotering are presented. Process of decision making by the leader about the future of the company in the changed market situation is presented and analyzed. Analysis findings of the case show the importance of strengthening of ethic and strong-willed qualities of the leader at the stage of development of the “family” aspect of OC (emotional and values unity of the organization) in critical conditions for the organization. Correlation between personal characteristics of the leader and OC characteristics is shown. Conclusions are drawn: a) about efficiency of the used exercises for the solution of the problem, b) about special aspects of application of a sotering at astage of the “family” suborder formation, c) about necessity of additional studying of “family” aspect of organizational culture during the critical period for the organization, d) about correlation of ethical aspects of world perception of the leader with the potential of spiritual leadership. Efficiency of a sotering application for change of organizational culture is discussed.
- Reviews
Psychological readiness is one of the key factors in the successful implementation of organizational change. The purpose of this article is to analyze and systematization of modern ideas of researchers about the readiness of staff to organizational change. The article deals with the concept of “psychological readiness”, marked readiness levels of analysis (individual, group, organization), highlighted the structural and psychological readiness factors. The psychological factors on the individual level of analysis include: efficacy, appropriateness, support, company management, personal valence. At the group level of analysis is collective commitment and collective efficiency. Different approaches to understanding readiness for organizational change are analyzed. Readiness for a changeas the attitude that has the classic structure of a three-component (cognitive, affective and behavioral components). Readiness to change in terms of J. Prochazka’s behavior change model. Under this model, the readiness is viewed from a dynamic point of view, as one of the stages of behavior change in the situation. Readiness for change within the dispositional approach is being studied as an innovative disposition, which has a hierarchical structure. Readiness to change in the A. Ajzen’s theory of planned behavior is seen as an intention to perform an action based on perceived norms and perceived control. There are described and compared in terms of strengths and weaknesses of diagnostic techniques readiness assessment applicable in the context of the study and implementation of organizational change, such as “Readiness to organizational change”, “Organizational readiness for implementing change”, “Organizational Change Questionnaire — Climate of Change, Processes, and Readiness”, ”Styles of response to changes” and others. Value of the results. In general, understanding approach, which is based on research and evaluation tools, it allows to lay the foundation for a unified methodology for studying the readiness of staff to the organizational changes and the development of the universal instruments for its diagnosis and evaluation.
- First Steps
Purpose. The study investigated the relationship between components of burnout and coping strategies used by them with a stressful situation among call center operators. Methodology. Data was gathered from a sample of 185 employees with experience from 0 to 9 years of the. The questionnaire included two techniques: "Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI)" and "The Strategic Approach to Coping Scale" (SACS). Results. Exhaustion is positively correlated with the coping strategies of «avoidance» (r = .271), «aggressive actions» (r = .264) and negatively correlated with coping strategies «seeking social support» (r = –.186) and «assertive action» (r = –.224). Cynicism has a negative relation with the coping strategies of «social joining» (r = –.219) and the «seeking social support» (r = –.217). Coping strategies positively correlated indicator of cynicism are: «assertive action» and «avoidance». Inefficacyis positively associated with coping strategies «assertive action» (r = .27), «social joining» (r = .147),«seeking social support» (r = .286). A negative association was found between inefficacy and strategyof avoidance (r = –.192). The positive relationship of work experience of the operator and the level of cynicism (r = .231), as well as the positive relationship between the experience of the operator and inefficacy (r = .158). In addition, the operator’s work experience is positively related to coping strategy «cautious action» (r = .178). Conclusions. Research has shown that adaptive coping strategies negatively associated with high levels of burnout, and mal adaptive coping strategies positively associated withhigh levels of burnout. Value of the results: The study results allow managers to reduce the risk of burn-out of the contact center agents through the formation of a corporate culture which includes adaptive coping strategies, as well as through training and encouraging staff to use coping strategies associated with low levels of burnout components.
Training and development of employees in the organization — one of the key Human Resource Management. One of the powerful resources in today’s organizations is to train subordinate their immediate supervisor. Formation of such a management system focused not only on the implementation of short-term problems but also on staff development is a challenge for today’s organizations, which require special training of managers at all levels and the development of their leadership skills. The purpose of the study was an empirical study of leadership behavior of managers at different managerial levels. The sample totaled 897 executives from international companies for the production of consumer goods with traditional (pyramid) management structure, consisting of nine levels (their leadership behavior was rated by 5120 subordinates). As a result, we can conclude that in the organization at different administrative levels changed not only the quantitative nature of leadership activities but its structure. At higher managerial levels, this structure becomes more uniform. This study empirically confirms the theoretical point of R. Charan formulated in «Leadership Pipeline» concept: the presence of differences in managerial leadership behavior at different levels of the organizational hierarchy. Webring to this position a number of clarifications: 1) leadership actions that are fundamental to the lower levels of the organizational hierarchy (management support) lose their value to his subordinates at higher management levels, the role of the fair treatment and recognition, on the contrary, increased; 2) these proposals are valid for each of the management levels in the organization, but the difference between the levels themselves increases with moving by the organizational hierarchy. The practicali mplication can be applied in the formation, adoption, and evaluation of leadership development models and managers training. The results are also consistent with the basic provisions of Russian methodological management psychology and the action psychology.
- Conferences
Appeal to the subject of psychological analysis of professional activity of the person is especially important for modern Russia in the era of the formation of a new industrial base and advanced information and communication technologies. Work effectively, healthy and harmonious development and outreach professionals is a key resource of the modern economy. |
The European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology and the Psychological Society of Ireland would like to welcome you to the 2017 congress in Dublin. The main theme will be «Enabling Change Through Work & Organizational Psychology». Over 1600 delegates from all fields of Work & Organizational Psychology are expected to come together to share research and interests. The EAWOP 2017 congress is a 3 day event taking place from the 17th — 20th May, at one of Ireland’s most prestigious venues. University College Dublin, will host the conference at the O’ Reilly Hall & O’ Brien Centre for Science. |
- Literary guide
A Review of the book by Frederik Lalu «Otkryvaya organizatsii budushchego» [Reinventing Organizations: A Guide to Creating Organizations Inspired by the Next Stage of Human Consciousness] / per. s angl. V. Kulyabina. M. : Mann, Ivanov, Ferber, 2016.
Information about the 20 most cited and 20 most recent articles on Work-Life Balance (WLB) provides the analysis of English sources from the database Web of Science. Use a set of Core Collection, all data act trivial at the time June 15, 2016.