2016 т. 6 no 3
Topic of the issue: Person-Centered Approach in Organizations
- Pages
We are glad to introduce our readers to new issue of Organizational Psychology Journal. In the «Research in organizational psychology» section you can get acquainted with article by Irina Vasilyeva «On object determination of organizational culture». The article dwells upon the attemptto apply an activity approach to the phenomena of the collective mind that constitute organizational culture. Author presents the results of the macroergonomic study of power plant and review of the differences in team organizational climates at boiler-and-turbine and electric workshops of powerplant. There is also an article “Psychometric analysis of the Russian version of the Dutch labor dependingscale (DUWAS)” by Andrey Lovakov. The Russian version of DUWAS was first published in this article and can be recommended for use in scientific research. Special theme of this issue is: «Person-centered approach in the organizations». Four articlesin the “Practice in Organizational Psychology” section are devoted to this theme. The article “Person-centered approach in organizations: Utopia or strategic potential?” by Veniamin Kolpachnikov and AllaTishova describes examples and illustrations of application of Person-Centered Approach in business relations and the organizations. A conclusion is drawn that Person-Centered Approach is not an utopia or idealistic dream, but strategic potential and direction of development of organizations aiming atbeing competitive and effective in modern conditions. The real illustration of this statement is presented in the article of Brazilian psychologists Anita Bacellar, Joana Rocha, and Maira de Souza Flôr «Group-centered organizational management: experience report» (translated from the Portuguese). This paperis an experience report that presents the effects of the postulates from the Person-Centered Approach in an Organization of clinical psychology, called Espaço Viver Psychology, located in Florianópolis (Brazil). Mikhail Ivanov («Client-centered approach to working with values under management consulting») presents his author’s approach to dealing with individual, group and organizational values into practice of client-centered management consulting. The article «Person-centered approach and human resource management practice in Russian companies» by Wladimir Stroh discusses the possibilities and conditions for the disclosure of the theoretical and pragmatic potential of person-centered approach by C. Rogersfrom organizational psychological perspective. The special section ends by our traditional editorial note «20 articles on the person-centered approach in the organization». In the «Conferences» section Tatiana Lobanova shares her impressions of the annual international conference of the International Council of Management Consulting Institutes, ICMCI, which took place in Netherlands in September 2015. The report describes the main trends in innovation consulting, presented at the conference. In the «Literary Guide» section Natalia Syrbu presents another review of the book by F. Lalu«Reinventing Organizations: A Guide to Creating Organizations Inspired by the Next Stage of Human Consciousness». Please Enjoy Reading!
- Research in organizational psychology
The article dwells upon the attempt to apply an activity approach to the phenomena of the collective mind that constitute organizational culture. The author analyzes methods prevailing in contemporary organizational and psychological research and recognized them as continuation of the introspectionism tradition. The author substantiates the necessity to recover the significant role ofobject determination upon study of the collective mind in teamwork. The results of the macroergonomic study of power plant are presented. The differences in team organizational climates at boiler-andturbine and electric workshops of power plant were reviewed. It was established that a significant factor determining spontaneously occurring work attitudes, motivations, norms are the actual performers’ interdependencies, which, in turn, are determined by their labor subjects and their actual physical properties. Motivations of solidarity are induced by the common labor object; democracy is determined by equal opportunities to influence teamwork results, etc. The article presents the analysis of data ofthe survey conducted at the Russian and US power plants. It has been found that despite substantial differences between national mindsets of Russian and US employees, the both of them have similar work relations and share similar labor norms. The survey revealed that labor object determination dominates over culture determination. The conflicts are negatively evaluated at the both power plants despite the high difference in national masculinity indices according to G. Hofstede. Mutual aid is highly appreciated at the both stations while there are strong differences in the G. Hofstede’s individualism indices. Also the conclusion was made that a significant parameter of organizational culture is the measure of correspondence between labor norms maintained and actual labor characteristics. Different types of discrepancy between these phenomena cause organizational neurosis, undermine team performance and threaten the work safety. In the end the relationships between the concepts oforganizational culture and organizational climate were considered and defined as the relationships of General and Singular.
Purpose. This article aims to analyze the psychometric properties of the Russian version of the Dutch Work Addiction Scale (DUWAS) by using the sample from a large Russian organization. The scale based on the definition of workaholism by two components: working excessively and working compulsively. Methodology. A series of CFAs testing the factorial validity of the Russian version of the DUWAS were conducted. A multi-group CFA tested the factorial structure and configural, metric, scalar, factor variance, factor covariance, and factor means invariances of the model across gender groups. Findings. Results provided evidence about factorial validity. The fit of two-factor model is clearly superior to that of one-factor model. A multi-group CFA shows invariance and robustness of the factorial structure across gender groups. The convergent and discriminant validity of the Russian version of DUWAS was investigated by studying its relationship with owerwork and work engagement, jobsatisfaction, and life satisfaction. Results suggest convergent and discriminant validity of the DUWAS. Internal consistencies of the working excessively and working compulsively sub-scales are acceptable.The article also discusses the relationship between workaholism and demographic characteristics. Conclusion. There were no substantial relationships between workaholism and age, gender, and levelof position (manager/non-manager). Overall, the results show that the Russian version of the DUWAS demonstrates acceptable psychometric properties comparable with the original version and those inother languages. Value of the results. The Russian version DUWAS was first published in this article.The measure can be recommended for use for scientific purposes. The Russian version of DUWAS can therefore be recommended for use in scientific research.
- Organizational psychology in practice
Opportunities and ways of application of the Person-Centered Approach in business relations in modern business organizations are analyzed. Is it possible and realistic, reasonable to apply humanistic Person-Centered Approach developed by the famous American psychologist Carl Rogers in the tough competitive sphere of business relations? With a support at views of the famous Person-Centered business consultant Ernest Meadows, the colleague and follower C. Rogers, competence in the Person-Centered Approach is operationalized as an ownership of four Person-Centered skills. Those skills are empathic listening, congruence, empathy and unconditional positive regard. A model of the worker competent in the Person-Centered Approach and a model of fully functioning new working community as an organization consisting of the workers competent in the Person-Centered Approach are described. Features of conflict resolution in new working communities, methods of task assignment and achievement conversation, principle of distribution of tasks between employees according to their capabilities and opportunities, culture of promises characteristic for such organizations, characteristics of leadership and execution, feasibility and possibilities of use of empathy in business relations, etc. are described. Real examples and illustrations of application of Person-Centered Approach in business relations and the organizations are given. A conclusion is drawn that Person-Centered Approach is not an utopia or idealistic dream, but strategic potential and direction of development of organizations aiming at being competitive and effective in modern conditions of implementation of high technologies and intensive business interaction in business.
This paper is an experience report that presents the effects of the postulates from the Person-Centered Approach in an Organization of clinical psychology, called Espaço Viver Psychology, located in Florianópolis. The objectives of the study are, introduce work organizations from the perspective of the Person-Centered Approach and verify the process of development in personal and work relationships. Bibliographic research and sense’s version were taken of people working in an organization with anadministrative model centered group. In the end, it was possible to recognize that the continuous opening to experience, unconditional positive regard, empathic understanding and authenticity promote the development of individual potential in the context of group and organizational growth.
Purpose. The article is devoted to the presentation of the author’s approach to dealing with personal, group and organizational values into practice of client-centered management consulting. Approach. In his approach to management consulting author relies on the principles client-centeredtherapy of C. Rogers and the three-pronged approach to the analysis of human activity (M. G. Yaroshevsky). Values are considered to be the base of decision-making in business management. Findings. It describesthe author’s developments (technologies) at the individual and group management consulting in organizations: the technology of individual consulting of owners; the technology of management teamwork with values in the process of strategic planning. The technology of works with the values of the organization and its customers in the analysis of the business model. Implications for practice. Working with values enables the integration of personal, social, and substantive aspects of the organizational activity. Value of the results. All designs are copyright and have been tested in the Russian commercial organizations.
The article discusses the possibilities and conditions for the disclosure of the theoretical and pragmatic potential of person-centered approach by C. Rogers in organizational-psychological perspective. A harmony of the basic ideas of person-centered approach and challenges of the new economy, a new relationship between the employee and the employer is emphasized. An evolutionof person-centered approach is described, the controversy about the nature and consequences of the transition from client-centered therapy to person-centered approach between K. Rogers and E. Meadows is expounded. A situation with publications on person-centered approach in an organizational context is briefly described. Three ways to implement person-centered approach in modern organizations are represented: 1) person-centered skills training (empathic listening, congruency, empathy, unconditional positive regard); 2) management consulting based principles of client-centered approach (the uniqueness principle, the principle of congruence, the principle of non-judgment); 3) growing “person-centered organization”. The expressions “person-centered organization”, “full functioning organization” and “group-centered organization” are briefly related. The results of exploratory studies to illustrate the perception of experts of personnel services (N = 97) of the advantages and limitations of using person-centered approach to human resource management practices in Russian companies are represented. In particular, similarities and differences between evaluations of “ideal” and “real”organization are designated. The semantic category describe the advantages and limitations of using person-centered approach in human resource management practices in Russian companies are compared.
- Conferences
The annual international conference of the International Council of Management Consulting Institutes, ICMCI took place in Netherlandsin September 2015. The report describes the main trends in innovation consulting, presented at the conference.
- Literary guide
A Review of the book by Frederik Lalu «Otkryvaya organizatsii budushchego» [Reinventing Organizations: A Guide to Creating Organizations Inspired by the Next Stage of Human Consciousness] / per. s angl. V. Kulyabina. M.: Mann, Ivanov, Ferber, 2016. Is there really a secret key to build future organizations in this rich colored inspiring book? Do we need to follow the directly instructions and calls for action of the author of the book? Such questions were taken as a base by the reading and studying the substances side of the book. From the point view as modernity of proposing solutions, holism of organization and managerial skills, shows the book a definitely not a strong side.The magic that every reader going through and the calling to actions must be taken under critical attitude. When the fundamental laws of development violated, this is an error, a dead-end way.
The primary search was provided according to the abstracts database Scopus on request «person-centred approach». As a result, two distinct studying traditions was found. First, referring to the classic person-centered approach of Carl Rogers formed in the Advisory practice uses it in the organization. Additionally, view the compliance category all articles link to two books on Rogerian approach (Kirschenbaum & Henderson, 1990; Rogers, 1977). The second tradition uses a statistical method Latent Profile Analysis, this method contrasts studies centered on the establishment of links between research variables (Variable-centered), studies that are divided into groups of “clustering” of the subjects themselves (Person-centered). None of the articles of this tradition have reference to the work of Rogers and his followers. The search was limited organizational and psychological themes. We took into account only articles in English. In the column “number of citations” stated the absolute number of citations of this publication in the Scopus database on 19/09/2016.